quality essentials Flashcards
what is accuracy + phleb example
- clopse to actual result
- is true restul for pt is 125 mg/dL accurate is close to that
what is precision + phleb example
- ability to give nearly sa e result when preformed repeatedly
- if glucose range consistently fall in 120-130 mg/dL it is precise
- can be precise but not accurate
what does clinical and lab standards instituve (CLSI) recognize for achievement of quality
- hiearchy of processes ( step by step events including procedure )
- documentation in EHR
- total quality management (TQM)
- quality cost management (QCM), Quality management system (QMS), wuality assurance (QA), and quality control (QC) (quality assurance and quality control are used interchangeable in lab), quality assessment and process improvement (QAPI) and continour quality improvement (CQI)
- what is total quality management
- highest level of quality oversight (manage at organizational or institutional level)
- govern behavior of healthcare workers
- ## identify organizations internal and external customers and designs operations to produce higest custoemr satisfaction
what are other ways to show quality of care other than lab results
● How long they had to wait for the procedure
● The presence or absence of bruising to the site
● How many needlesticks or attempts were required
● Their perception of the phlebotomist (e.g., dress, communication skills)
what is quality cost management
- measure and manage cost of quality
- in the lab that is cost of repeating tests when quewstionable tests and errors
what is quality management system
- set of quality objectives to achive goals identified by TQM and methods to monitor achievement of those objectives
- includes organizatonal structure of lab and procedures, processes, and resources to develop and meet quality objevctives
- QMS includes functions that most directyl involve lab personell (quality assourance and conro)
what is qwuality assurance?
- Joint commision defined as system of planned activites that assess operational processes for delivery of serivces or the quality of products provided to consumers, customers, and dpatients
- guarantee quality pt care by continued reassessment of all prcoesses
- refers to examining performace of a process to ensure testing is carried out correctly, accurate results
what does qualirt ssurance include?
Quality assurance focuses on the overall process used to measure patient
outcomes (condition and length of hospital stay), which includes error detec-
tion activities (double-checking information) as well as corrective and preven-
tive activities (documentation and training). In the medical laboratory setting,
QA is applied to everything involved in producing a quality laboratory test
result, including
● the ordering and requisitioning of tests
● positive patient identification
● collection processes
● the integrity of the specimen
● test analysis processes
● the reporting of results
● turnaround time (the time between placing the order and receiving the
● the training of lab personnel
● performance on proficiency testing
● performance on laboratory inspections
● documentation and follow-up on corrective action
what is quality control?
activities that ensure that specific steps in a process meet acceptable standards or parameters (limitations).
- ensure reliable results and mandated by accrediting agencies
- periodically review QC doc
- verifying pt identify, expiration dates, testing contorl material, review data for error r included
- focus on detecting defects that r indicated by variances
what is standard operating procuedre (SOP)
- explains each procuedres purpose, specimen requirements, step by step instructions, limitations, mornal and critical value and interpretation
- devloped by The Joint Commission, Clinical and Laboratory Standards
Institute (CLSI), Food and Drug Administration (FDA),
what are controls?
- liquid, a serum, or freeze-dried material that has been
prepared and tested by the manufacturer and that has a known value, such as
a serum with a known glucose value of 125 mg/dL. - if control out of range then double check with expiration date
what is calibration
- procuedre to ensure equipment provides accurate results
- run standard sample
- if inaccurate adjust manually or newer system calibrate automatically
what is qualitry control is done before the exam
= pt identification
- specimen labeling
- specimen collection
- refrigeratiors and freezers
- centriguge
what quality control is done during exam?
- inclubator and water baths
- analytic instruments
what quality contorl is post exam
- pt results
what is a delta check
- check of current result aginst previous result for pt
what is levey jennings chart
- graph showing acceptable limits
- used to visualize whether results fall within acceptable paramter or shoft
- trends and shifts are known as systemic errors and may be bc aging reagents or control material deterioration of light sources or changes in temp
what Quality assessment and process improvement (QAPI)
- review of documentation to discover weakness in process
- aka continuous quality improvement (CQI)
what is an assessment/ audit
t (review of
records), is performed to discover any weaknesses in a process
what are incident ofrms?
documents recording procedural or process errors
what is corrective action
activity that helps eliminate the cause of an error
or undesirable situation
what is perventive action
activity that helps ensure that a problem does not
occur or does not occur again
what is competnency assessment?
method of documenting an employee’s ability
to perform assigned tasks correctly
what is proficiency testing (PT)
means of evaluating the performance of a
laboratory and its personnel in comparison with that of other, similar laboratorie
what are Health Resources and
Services Administration quality
improvement tools
A toolbox of clinical quality and performance measures provided by the U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services, including tools for data collection and
performance measurement webinars.
what are The Joint Commission quality
improvement tools
A suite of tools and resources for healthcare organizations to help them meet TJC
standards and National Patient Safety Goals. These tools are available only to TJCaccredited organizations.
what is Root Cause Analysis (Six Sigma)
A commercial quality improvement program that provides methodologies for
improving quality and reducing variation in any new or existing process. The steps
of analysis for new processes include define, measure, analyze, design, and verify.
The steps of analysis for existing processes include define, measure, analyze,
improve, and control
- root cause is required by TJC in response to all SEs
what is Failure Mode Effects Analysis
Step-by-step method to identify all of the possible causes of failure in a process
or service. These causes are then prioritized according to their seriousness and
frequency. Each problem is then analyzed and corrective actions are taken. As each
corrective action is completed, the date and results are recorded.
what is lean methodology
aims to improvde pt safety and quality by eliminiateing waste in form of unecessary processes
what is threshold balue
level of acceptavble practice beyond whcih quality pt care cant be assured
what is corrective action preventative action (CAPA)
- establish if data idnetifys a probelm or opportunity for improvment
whos responsability is QA vs QC
QA is everyone on clinical lab team
QC is phleb or lab person performing activity
what is procedure manual?
states policies and procuedres for each test in lab
- purpose, plocy, specimen type and collection method, equipment and supplied, step by step, limitations and variables of method, corrective actions, method validation, normal values and referneces, reviews and revision dates, approval signatures and dates
what is risk management
- identify and minimizing sutations that pose risk to pt and employees
what is individualized qualirty control plan (IQCP)
- lab have option of devleoping risk based objecive approach to QC tailied based on testing, pt pop and lab