Qualifications, Currency, Logging IAPs Flashcards
What type, quantity and kind of flight training and flight hours are required of a IFR rating applicant (141)
FAR 141 Appx C
- (61: 50hrs X country)
- 35hrs flight training (61: 40), of which more than 40% cannot be in a FTD. All time must be with CFII
- 30 hrs of ground training
- 250 NM cross country, with at least one leg being a straight line distance of 100 NM. (along airways/ATC routing, IAP at each airport, 3 kinds of IAPs)
How much of your flight training for IFR can be in a Simulator?
No more than 40% of the total flight training time.
What is required to be completed in the IFR training Cross Country flight?
FAR 141 Appx C
- 250 NM total
- One leg must be at least 100 NM
- Must be along airways or ATC directed routing
- IAP at each airport of landing
- 3 Different kinds of IAPs
What are the general requirements for obtaining an IFR rating?
FAR 61.65 & FAR 141 Appx C
- Read, write, speak English
- Receive ground training (30hrs 141)
- Receive logbook endorsement for test
- Passed written test
- Completed flight hour requirement (35hrs 141)
- Completed 250 NM X country flight
- Pass the Practical test
When is an IFR rating required?
FAR 61.3, 61.133, 91,135, 91.157
- When under an IFR flight plan
- When less than VFR mins
- When in Class A airspace
- Special VFR at night (sunset/sunrise)
- When carrying pax for hire on X country flights greater than 50 NM OR at Night.
What are the recency of experience (currency) requirements to be PIC of an IFR fight?
FAR 61.57 (6-6 HIT accronym)
Within 6 months PRECEEDING the MONTH during which the flight is to be performed:
(Logged Actual or Simulated)
- 6 IAPs
- Holding procedures & Tasks
- Intercepting and tracking courses
*These can be completed in an FAA approved Simulator
What is needed to keep your PPL current?
FAR 61.57
- A flight review every 24 calendar months
What is required to carry Pax at night?
FAR 61.57
- 3 T/O & LDGs within the previous 90 days to a FULL stop at night
- Night (for this) is defined as 1hr after Sunset to 1hr before Sunrise
What is needed to carry Pax during the day?
FAR 61.57
- 3 T/Os and LDGs within the previous 90 days
When can we start logging night flight time?
FAR 1.1
- The time between the end of evening civil twilight and the beginning of morning civil
twilight, as published in the Air Almanac, converted to local time - Civil Twilight begins when the center of the sun is 6 degrees below the horizon
- A good rule of thumb is to remember that Civil twilight begins about 20-35 mins after Sunset.
What acronym do we use to remember the IFR currency requirements?
6-6 HIT
- 6 IAPs within 6 months
- Holds, Intercepting and Tracking courses
What happens if you haven’t met your IFR currency requirements in the preceding 6 calendar months prior to the month an IFR flight is to be completed?
FAR 61.57
- You may not be PIC of an aircraft under an IFR flight plan
- You have an additional 6 months (grace period) to obtain whatever number of IAPs, Holds, or Intercepts and Tracking are needed to regain currency.
(FAA approved Sim may be used)
When is a Safety Pilot required and how must it be documented?
- When operating under Simulated IMC.
- Pilots name must be logged, its a good idea to log more detail than just this.
When do you need an Instrument Proficiency Check?
When your 6 month grace period has expired. (1yr after you were last current)
What qualifications must your Safety Pilot have?
- At least a PPL (can be CFI)
- Current Medical Cert OR Basic Med (61.113 (i))
- Rated for aircraft Cat and Class
- Must occupy a control seat in the aircraft.
Does a CFI need to be physically present for you to complete your IFR currency in a Sim?
FAR 61.51, 61.57
What is the difference between currency and proficiency?
- Currency is a matter of legality
- Proficiency is a matter of experience, safety, and ADM
Can a Pilot with Basic Med be your Safety Pilot?
AC 68-1, FAA Basic Med FAQ
- Only if the Safety Pilot is acting as PIC while performing the duties of a safety Pilot.
- Cannot log PIC time
As an IFR pilot, can you use Basic Med?
When can you log Actual OR Simulated time?
FAR 61.51
When it is necessary to operate the aircraft solely by reference to the flight instruments.
What should be included when logging an IAP in your logbook?
FAR 61.51
- Airport associated with IAP
- Type of IAP (RNAV, ILS, etc)
- Name of Safety Pilot, if required.
What conditions must exist for you to log Actual IMC time?
FAR 61.51(g)(1), FAA InFO15012
The FAA has never defined the term ‘actual’ IMC. Use the following as a working guideline.
- Any time during which IMC conditions exist AND operating the aircraft solely by reference to instruments is necessary.
*You could also log IMC on a clear, moonless night over a large body of water. But be careful with this. Log it in detail
*The FAA has left it up to the pilot to determine when operating the aircraft solely by reference to instruments is necessary
Define Flight Time
FAR 1.1
Begins when an aircraft starts moving under its own power, ends when the aircraft comes to rest after landing.
What is required for you to log a IAP for currency?
FAA InFO 15012
- When in a Sim or under the Hood
- Must operate SRTI
- Must be IMC to MDA/DA/DH - When in Actual
- Must be SRTI
- Must transition to VMC AFTER being established on the Final Approach Segment (After FAF)
What is the Final Approach Segment?
The point on an IAP where both alignment with the approach course and descent occur. (usually the FAF)
What are the 3 ways to log IAPs?
- In Actual IMC
- Hood time with Safety Pilot
- FAA approved Sim
Are you required to fly an entire IAP in order to log it?
FAA InFO 15012
You must fly the entire IAP starting at an IAF in order to log it. UNLESS:
1. You receive Radar Vectors
2. Or otherwise directed by ATC
Is it required that the ceiling be at MDA/DA/DH in order to log an IAP?
FAA InFO 15012
No, but you cant log the IAP if you transition to VMC prior to the Final Approach segment (usually FAF).
What are the currency requirements to act as PIC under IFR in WX mins less than VFR?
FAR 61.57
Within the last 6 CALENDAR months preceding the MONTH of the flight
1. Perform 6 IAPs
2. Holding procedures & tasks
3. Intercepting & Tracking Courses through navigational electronic system (GPS course included)
*These can be completed in an approved simulator in simulated IMC. NO Instructor required
What is the ‘lookback’ for determining IFR currency?
FAR 61.57
Must have met the 6-Hits requirements within the previous 6 CALENDAR months preceding the MONTH of the IFR flight to be flown.
For what IFR rating purposes are you allowed to use an approved flight simulator?
IR Training
- Instructor must log it
- Simulated IMC
- Credit for training cannot be more than 40% of course
- Simulated IMC
- No instructor needed
- Log properly
How will you know if you need an IPC or not?
FAR 61.57
You will need an IPC if in the last 12 Calendar months preceding an IFR flight you have not met the requirements of 6-HITs
Where can you find the guidelines for what to expect on an IPC flight?
In the ACS for IFR
When are you no longer legal to operate as PIC of an IFR flight?
FAR 61.57
When in the last 6 CALENDAR month preceding the flight, you have not logged your 6-HITs
What is required to carry passengers as PIC of an IFR flight?
FAR 61.57
3 Take offs and landings within the previous 90 DAYS
**to a full stop in a tailwheel or if at night
What is required to act as PIC generally?
FAR 61.57
A flight review every 24 Calendar month, UNLESS you have passed a checkride.
What is required to carry passengers as PIC of an IFR flight?
FAR 61.57
3 take offs and landings to a FULL STOP within the previous 90 DAYS
*During the period between 1hrs after Sunset to 1hr before sunrise