Q3 Module 6 Development of Evolutionary Thought Flashcards
Scala naturae is a sequential ladder of life. Which scientist concluded that
organisms are arranged in an order of increasingly complexity?
Carolus Linnaeus
Which theory explained that there were violent and sudden natural
catastrophe that resulted in the death and extinction of most plants and
Charles Darwin and Thomas Malthus both agreed on the scientific concept of
Population Growth
Who among the scientists supported Hutton’s model of gradual geological
change wherein global catastrophes are not necessary to shape the surface of
the earth.
Charles Lyell
A theory is a rational type of abstract thinking about a phenomenon, or the
results of scientific ideas. The following are statements that exhibit scientific
theory, EXCEPT.
A. All cells arise from preexisting cells.
B. Covid-19 is transmitted in cold climate and not in hot and humid climate.
C. Statements that the universe and the various forms of life were created by
God out of nothing.
D. As galaxies move farther apart from each other, they move faster. A galaxy’s
speed is proportional to its distance.
Statements that the universe and the various forms of life were created by God out of nothing
Which of the following statements explains Lamarck’s theory of use and disuse?
A. Body structures develop because of mutation
B. Body structures develop because of competition
C. Body structures develop because they are not in use
D. Body structures develop because they are used to extensively
Body structures develop because they are used extensively
The following are arguments of Charles Darwin about his understanding on
natural selection EXCEPT.
A. Populations tend to reproduce in small numbers.
B. There is a great variability within populations or organism.
C. Lack of resources leads to increased competition among organisms.
D. Isolated groups of animals become reproductively isolated, then gradually
evolve into new species.
Populations tend to reproduce in small numbers
Charles Darwin and Jean Baptiste de Lamarck are the famous proponents of evolution. They have similarities in their observations EXCEPT on______.
A. Speciation
B. Diversity of life forms
C. Species evolve gradually over many generations
D. Passing of traits from parents to offspring of the next generation
Passing of traits from parents to offspring of the next generation
Who is the scientist who had the same conclusion as Darwin?
Alfred Wallace
Which of the following is not TRUE about evolution?
A. Offspring inherit favorable characteristics from their parents.
B. All organisms of a particular species are identical so they can breed.
C. Survival of one’s species depend on some individual producing offspring.
D. Organisms that are best adapted to their environment could breed and
most likely produce offspring.
All organisms of a particular species are identical so they can breed