Q1 Biology M6 & M7 Flashcards
It is a phase of the cell cycle. It is the phase that is between
each cell division. About 90% of the life of the cell is spent in this phase.
Phase where in the cell grows, and the organelles are duplicated
Gap 1 (G1)
It is also in _____ that the cell
carries out normal metabolism, produce RNA, and synthesize (make) proteins.
Gap 1 (G1)
The genetic material DNA is replicated or copied. At this
stage also, the centrosome is duplicated.
Synthesis (S) phase
During this phase, the cell continues to grow and prepares to divide.
Gap 2 (G2)
Gap Zero
5 phases of Mitosis
- Prophase
- Metaphase
- Anaphase
- Telophase
- Cytokinesis
3 types of cells
- Permanent (doesn’t divide)
- Stable (divides when needed)
- Labile (always divides)
Futher condensing of the DNA happen
Chromosomes condense and are more visible
The nuclear membrane (envelope) disappears
Centrioles have seperated and taken positions on the opposite poles of the cell
Spindle fibers form and radiate toward the center
Chromosomes line up across the middle of the cell
Spindle fibers connect the centromere of each sister chromatid to the poles of the cell
Centromeres that join the sister chromatids split
Sister chromatids seperate becoming individual chromosomes
Seperated chromatids move to opposite poles of the cell
Chromosomes (each consisting of a single chromatid) uncoil
A nuclear envelope forms around the chromosomes at each pole of the cell
Spindle fibers break down and dissolve
Cytokinesis begins
The division of the cytoplasm into two individual cells
Animal Cell Telophase/Cytokinesis
- Nucleolus forming
- Cleavage furrow
- Nuclear envelope forming
Plant Cell Telophase/Cytokinesis
- Spindle equator
- Vesicles gathering
- Cell plate growing
- Two new primary walls
Mitosis and cytokinesis produce how many genetical identical daughter cells?
Prevent mutant cells from replicating or prevent cancer
Cell cycle control points
Cyclins + Cyclin Dependent Kinasis (CDK) = ?
CDK Complex
It plays important roles in the control of cell division and modulate transcription in response to several extra- and intracellular cues
Cyclin Dependent Kinasis (CDK)
End phase of Gap 1
Gap 1 Checkpoint
AKA restriction checkpoint, stops cell division
Gap 1 Checkpoint
Pocket proteins (transcriptional repressors) of Gap 1 Checkpoint
- Rb
- p53
Transcription factor of Gap 1 Checkpoint
First way to stop the progression of G1 to S Phase
- Rb will bind to E2F
Second way to stop the progression of G1 to S Phase
- p53 will stimulate p21 which will inchibit CDK. This will stimulate Rb that will bind to E2F
___________ Phase
1. Increase in size
2. Increase energy and protein production
3. Formation of organelles
Synthesis Phase
A group of enzymes that break the phosphodiester bond present within the polynucleotide chain of a DNA molecule
End phase of Gap 2
Gap 2 Checkpoint
Repair mismatch DNA pairs
Gap 2 Checkpoint
Stop cell division - TUMOR
Gap 2 Checkpoint
Pocket protein repressors of Gap 2 Checkpoint
- p53
- ATM Kinases
- chk1
- chk2
Signal for G2 to M phase to stop
p53 and ATM Kinases will stimulate chk1 & chk2
AKA Spindle checkpoints
Metaphase checkpoint
Delay the progression of Metaphase to Anaphase
Metaphase checkpoint
A____P____C_____ sensors protein and controls sister chromatid segregation and the exit from mitosis by catalysing the ubiquitylation of cyclins and other cell cycle regulatory proteins
Anaphase-promoting complex or cyclosome (APC/C)
This is a hydrolysis REACTION of peptide bonds in which proteins breakdown into smaller peptides and/or into individual amino acid residues
S______ prevents premature separation of sister chromatids
It is a tightly regulated, highly specific, and ATP-dependent biological PROCESS carried out by a complex cascade of enzymes
What happens in Proteolysis
- Degrade SECURIN
- Which stimulates SEPARASE
- Which will cut COHESIN
- Which will SEPERATE the sister chromatids