Q1 Biology M5 Cell Modifications Flashcards
What is a
process after cell division to produce newly formed cells?
Cell Modification
Three types of cell modifications:
- Apical modifications
- Basal modifications
- Lateral modifications
(Modification) These cells are responsible in carrying out different functions
such as secretion, absorption, and movement.
Apical modifications
Hair-like structures that are projected from most eukaryotic cells.
They have a beating motion like waves. In microscopic organisms, used for locomotion.
Attached at the apex of columnar epithelium
Can be found in
different tissues such as respiratory epithelium which traps and removes
dirt. They are also found in fallopian tubes in which they are responsible for
moving the ovum to the uterus.
Whip-like structures that are mainly used for locomotion of cells.
Flagella on prokaryotic cells are composed of flagellin
while eukaryotic cells consist of?
Undulatory Movement (360)
Non-motile and absorbs materials
Finger-like structure, extremely thin and short
Mostly found in the intestine and kidney tubules and is attached to columnar epithelial cells
Brush like structure and is rigid (stable)
Attached to the plasma membrane of epithelial cells
Immobile, for hearing and balance
4 types of Apical Modification
Cilia, Flagella, Microvili, Stereocillia
It is an extracellular matrix (protein - from epithelial cells)
Basal Membrane
Composed of proteoglycans (collagen)
Basal Membrane
Mediates physiological interactions
Basal Membrane
Serves as a barrier, limiting invasion
Basal Membrane
Structural support
Basal Membrane
Permeability Filter
Basal Membrane
Basal membrane thrown into folds
Basal Infoldings
Common in kidneys and ducts of some salivary glands
Basal Infoldings
Increase the surface area where ions are transported
Basal Infoldings
Found between the cell and a basement membrane
Anchors one cell or attaches a cell’s extracellular filaments to the basement membrane
3 types of Basal Modification
1.) Basal Membrane
2.) Basal Infoldings
3.) Hemidesmosomes
Also known as zonula ocludens
Tight Junction
Two adjacent cells join to form a barrier
Tight Junction
Democrates the apical region from the basolateral region
Tight Junction
Barrier for ions & solutes (DIFFUSION)
Tight Junction
Also known as zonula adherens
Adherens Junction
Function: Initiation and stabilization of cell to cell engagement
Adherens Junction
Function: Regulation of actin cytoskeleton
Adherens Junction
Function: Intracellular signaling
Adherens Junction
Function: Transcription Regulation (what protein is needed)
Adherens Junction
Button like spots found all around the cell
Function: To connect adjacent Cells
Found in tissues that are subject to a lot of mechanical forces
Found between all cells that are directly touching each other
Gap Junction
Adjacent cells are connected by protein channels
Gap Junction
Function: Passing of molecules from one cell to the other
Gap Junction
Allows cell to cell communication
Gap Junction
Only found in ANIMAL CELLS
Gap Junction
4 types of Lateral Modification
1.) Tight Junction
2.) Adherens Junction
3.) Desmosomes
4.) Gap Junction
3 types of Cell Modifications
Apical, Basal, Lateral