Q3 Module 3 The History of Life on Earth Flashcards
Which describes geologic time scale?
Gathered data showing the events and life forms in the history of Earth
The CORRECT arrangement of the time intervals in the geologic time scale is (EEPE)
What are the bases of the Paleontologists to divide the time intervals in the geologic time scale?
I. Impact of Meteors
II. Mass extinction
III. Appearance of new organisms
IV. IV. Extreme variation in the climate
It is discovered by studying the fossils that Ediacaran, Trilobites, and Graptolites were lived in the oceans and seas. What inference can you deduce from this discovery?
A. Life forms at the beginning of the earth are mostly marine organisms.
B. The ancient organisms were feed on small fishes.
C. Oceans and seas are rich with marine organisms.
D. Marine organisms have hard parts.
Life forms at the beginning of the Earth are mostly marine organisms
What can we deduce from organisms?
A. Organisms in Paleozoic era
evolved from fish to reptiles.
B. Fishes, amphibians, ferns, and
reptiles appeared in Paleozoic
C. Ferns is the only plant that can be
eaten by fishes, amphibians and
D. Paleozoic Era is the only era in the geologic time scale with plants and
Fishes, amphibians, ferns, and reptiles appeared in the Paleozoic Era
Which technique is used to determine the age of the fossils?
Radioactive Dating
Fossils revealed that dinosaurs in Mesozoic Era are lived in different places of the world. Which statement is BEST to describe the dinosaurs?
They varied in size and shapes
What period do birds appeared?
What happened to the organism pointed by the arrow in Permian to Tertiary periods?
It became extinct
3 eons
1. A_______
2. Pr_______
3. Ph_______
- Archaean
- Proterozoic
- Phanerozoic
Eras in Phanerozoic Eon
1. Pr_________
2. P_________
3. M_________
4. C_________
- Precambrian
- Paleozoic
- Mesozoic
- Cenozoic
__________ are multicellular organisms with soft bodies and resemble
some modern organisms like annelid worms, jelly fish and other species of
Ediacaran fauna