Q & R - 501 French Verbs Flashcards
Quitter (R)
To leave
Raconter (R)
To relate, to tell about, to tell (a story)
Ranger (R-S)
To set (put) in order, to tidy up
Rappeler (R-S)
To call again, to call back, to recall, to remind
Se rappeler (R-S)
To remember, to recall, to recollect
Recevoir (I-S)
To receive, to get
Reconnaître (I)
To recognize, to acknowledge
Recueillir (I)
To collect, to gather, to harvest
Réduire (I)
To reduce, to decrease, to diminish
Réfléchir (R)
To think, to meditate, to reflect, to ponder
Refuser (R)
To refuse, to withhold
Regarder (R)
To look (at), to watch
Regretter (R)
To regret, to miss
Relire (I)
To read again, to reread
Remarquer (R)
To remark, to notice, to observe, to distinguish
Remercier (R)
To thank
Remettre (I)
To put (on) again, to replace, to put back, to give back, to postpone
Remplacer (R-S)
To replace
Remplir (R)
To fill, to fulfill, to fill in, to fill out