F - 501 French Verbs Flashcards
Se fâcher (R)
To become angry, to get angry
Faillir (I)
To fail, to almost (do something)
Faire (I)
To do, to make
Feindre (I)
To feign, to make believe, to pretend, to simulate
Féliciter (R)
To congratulate
Fendre (R)
To split, to crack, to cleave
Fermer (R)
To close
Se fier (R)
To depend on, to rely on, to trust in
Finir (R)
To finish, to end, to terminate, to complete
Fonder (R)
To found, to establish, to lay the foundation
Foudre (R)
To melt, to dissolve, to mix colors
Forcer (R-S)
To force
Fouiller (R)
To dig deeply, to excavate, to go deep into, to search
Fournir (R)
To furnish, to supply
Frapper (R)
To knock, to hit, to rap, to strike (hit)
Frémir (R)
To shudder, to quiver, to tremble
Fuir (I)
To flee, to fly off, to shun, to leak
Fumer (R)
To smoke, to steam