C - 501 French Verbs Flashcards
Cacher (R)
To hide
Se cacher (R)
To hide oneself
Casser (R)
To break
Se casser (R)
To break (a part of one’s body)
Ex: Je me suis cassé le pied
Causer (R)
To cause, to chat
Céder (R-S)
To yield, to cede
Cesser (R)
To cease
Changer (R-S)
to change
Chanter (R)
To sing
Charger (R-S)
To burden, to charge, to load
Chasser (R)
To hunt, to pursue, to chase, to drive out
Chercher (R)
To look for, to search, to seek
Chérir (R)
To cherish
Choisir (R)
To choose, to select, to pick
Chuchoter (R)
To whisper
Combattre (I)
To combat, to fight
Commander (R)
To command, to order
Commencer (R-S)
To begin, to start, to commence
Commettre (I)
To commit
Comparer (R)
To compare
Comprendre (I)
To understand, to include
Compter (R)
To count, to intend, to expect to
Concevoir (I-S)
To conceive
Conclure (I)
To conclude
Conduire (I)
To lead, to drive, to conduct, to manage
Connaître (I)
To know, to be acquainted with, to make the acquaintance of
Conquérir (I)
To conquer
Conseiller (R)
To advise, to counsel, to recommend
Consentir (I)
To consent, to agree
Construire (I)
To construct, to build
Contenir (I)
To contain
Conter (R)
To relate, to narrate
Continuer (R)
To continue
Contraindre (I)
To constrain, to restrain, to compel
Contredire (I)
To contradict
Convaincre (I)
To convince
Convenir (I)
To suit, to be suitable, to be appropriate, to agree, to acknowledge
Corriger (R-S)
To correct
Corrompre (R-S)
To corrupt
Coucher (R)
To put to bed, to lay, to flatten
Se coucher (R)
To go to bed, to lie down
Coudre (I)
To sew, to stitch
Couper (R)
To cut, to switch off
Courir (I)
To run, to race
Couvrir (I)
To cover
Craindre (I)
To fear, to be afraid
Créer (R)
To create
Crier (R)
To shout, to cry out
Croire (I)
To believe
To grow, to increase
Cueillir (I)
To gather, to pick
Cuire (I)
To cook