P - 501 French Verbs Flashcards
Paraître (I)
To appear, to seem
Pardonner (R)
To pardon, to forgive
Parler (R)
To talk, to speak
Partir (I)
To leave, to depart
Passer (R)
To pass, to spend (time)
Patiner (R)
To skate
Payer (R-S)
To pay (for)
Pécher (R-S)
To sin, to commit a sin
Pêcher (R)
To fish
Se peigner (R)
To comb one’s hair
Peindre (I)
To paint, to portray
Pendre (R)
To hang, to suspend
Penser (R)
To think
Perdre (R)
To lose
Périr (R)
To perish, to die
Permettre (I)
To permit, to allow, to let
Persuader (R)
To persuade, to convince, to induce
Peser (R-S)
To weigh
Placer (R-S)
To place, to put
Plaindre (I)
To pity
Se plaindre (I)
To complain, to lament, to moan
Plaire (I)
To please
Plaisanter (R)
To joke
Pleurer (R)
To cry, to weep, to mourn
Plier (R)
To fold, to bend
Porter (R)
To wear, to carry
Poser (R)
To lay, to place, to put, to set, to pose
Posséder (R-S)
To possess, to own, to master
Poursuivre (I)
To pursue, to prosecute
Pousser (R)
To push, to grow
Pouvoir (I)
To be able, can
Prédire (I)
To predict, to foretell
Préférer (R-S)
To prefer
Prendre (I)
To take
Préparer (R)
To prepare
Présenter (R)
To present, to introduce
Presser (R)
To press, to squeeze
Se presser (R)
To be in a hurry, to make haste, to rush, to crowd
Prétendre (R)
To pretend, to claim, to lay claim, to maintain
Prêter (R)
To lend
Prévenir (I)
To warn, to forestall, to ward off
Prévoir (I)
To foresee
Prier (R)
To pray, to supplicate, to entreat, to beg, to request
Produire (I)
To produce
Programmer (R)
To program, to plan
Se promener (R-S)
To take a walk
Promettre (I)
To promise
Prononcer (R-S)
To pronounce, to declare
Prouver (R)
To prove
Punir (R)
To punish