A - 501 French Verbs Flashcards
Abaisser (R)
To lower, to reduce, to humiliate, to humble
S’abaisser (R)
To humble oneself, to lower oneself, to condescend, to slope
Abasourdir (R)
To daze, to deafen, to stun, to bewilder, to stupefy
Abattre (I)
To dishearten, to strike down, to cut down, to knock down, to slaughter
Abolir (R)
To abolish, to do away with
Absourdre (I)
To absolve
S’abstenir (I)
To abstain
Accepter (R)
To accept
Acclamer (R)
To acclaim, to applaud, to cheer
Accompagner (R)
To accompany
Accorder (R)
To accord, to grant, to reconcile, to admit
Accourir (I)
To run to, to run up to, to come (go) running to
Accrocher (R)
To hang (up), to hook (on a hanger, nail, etc)
Accroître (I)
To increase, to make greater, to enlarge
Accueillir (I)
To great, welcome
Accuser (R)
To accuse
Acheter (R-S)
To buy, to purchase
Achever (R-S)
To achieve, to finish, to complete, to end
Acquérir (I)
To acquire, to obtain
Admettre (I)
To admit
Admirer (R)
To admire
Adorer (R)
To worship, to adore
Addresser (R)
To address
Agacer (R-S)
To annoy, to irritate, to pester, to vex