E - 501 French Verbs Flashcards
Échapper (R)
To escape, to avoid
Échouer (R)
To fail, to run aground
Écouter (R)
To listen (to)
Écrire (I)
To write
Effrayer (R-S)
To frighten
Égayer (R-S)
To amuse, to cheer up, to enliven, to entertain
Élever (R-S)
To raise, to rear, to bring up
Élire (I)
To elect, to choose
S’éloigner (R)
To move away, to go away, to withdraw, to step back, to keep back, to keep away
Embrasser (R)
To kiss, to embrace
Emmener (R-S)
To lead, to lead away, to take away (persons)
Émouvoir (I)
To move, to touch, to excite, to arouse
Empêcher (R)
To hinder, to prevent
Employer (R-S)
To use, to employ
Emprunter (R)
To borrow
Encourager (R-S)
To encourage
S’enfuir (I)
To run away, to slip away, to escape, to flee, to fly away
Enlever (R-S)
To carry away, to take away, to remove
Ennuyer (R-S)
To bore, to annoy, to weary
S’ennuyer (R-S)
To be bored
Enseigner (R)
To teach
Entendre (R)
To hear, to understand
Enterrer (R)
To bury
Entreprendre (I)
To undertake, to engage upon
Entrer (R)
To enter, to come in, to go in
S’envoler (R)
To fly off, to fly away, to take flight, to take wing (birds), to take off (airplane)
Envoyer (R-S)
To send
Épouser (R)
To marry, to wed
Éprouver (R)
To try, to test, to put to the test, to feel, to experience
Espérer (R-S)
To hope
Essayer (R-S)
To try, to try on
Essuyer (R-S)
To wipe
Établir (R)
To establish, to set up, to draw up
Éteindre (I)
To extinguish, to shut down (computer), to turn off
S’entendre (R)
To stretch oneself, to stretch out, to lie down
Étonner (R)
To amaze, to astonish, to stun, to surprise
Étourdir (R)
To daze, to stun, to make dizzy, to deafen, to bewilder
Être (I)
To be
Étudier (R)
To study
Évaluer (R)
To evaluate, to appraise, to assess, to estimate
S’évanouir (R)
To faint, to lose consciousness, to swoon, to vanish
Éviter (R)
To avoid
Excuser (R)
To excuse
S’excuser (R)
To excuse oneself, to apologize
Exiger (R-S)
To demand, to require
Expliquer (R)
To explain
Exprimer (R)
To express