Python Notes Flashcards
Is python case sensitive and does spacing matter?
yes to both
What is Print used for?
To show a value
Arithmatic in python?
+, -. *, /
Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division
Does number to the power of a other
what does % do?
Gives remainder from a division
Divides one number by another but rounds down to nearest integer
(still rounds down even when negative)
how to assign closely related variables?
x, y, z = 2, 3, 4
Can you have spaces in variable names?
no, should use underscores and all lower case
what is += used for?
Telling a descriptive value it is being effected by new values
also -= when want to subtract values
Decimal answer (even if it .0
Integer (whole number)
How to find out if int or float?
Use type()
Interaction with an int and a float always =?
Can also use int and float as functions to add or remove decimal points
x = int(4.7) # x is now an integer 4
y = float(4) # y is now a float of 4.0
What does bool (boolean) do?
Say if something is true or false
Comparison operators?
< less than
> greater than
<= less or equal than
>= greater or equal than
== equal to
!= not equal to
What is a string?
Data type for immutable ordered sequences of characters
How to print words?
Use Print (“…….”)
How to get rid of issue of using speech marks within a quote?
Use single for overall one, and use double for quote
If need more than one, use a / before the ‘ to let python know its part of the string
How to combine, or repeat strings or put a space?
+ for combine
- for repeat
” “ for space
what does Len( ) do?
Returns the length of a string
How to convert values into a string value?
How to convert values into a integer?
What is a method?
A function that belongs to an object
for example title() will turn the string into a title so capitals in each words
Is placed in the bracket and doesn’t need anything in its own brackets, acts on the string