PvW 6 Flashcards
face stomach (common / scientific) body parts (2 options) adult patient
muka perut / lambung anggota badan / bagian tubuh dewasa (also means "the times" we live in) penderita
lower limb generally thigh calf foot toe
kaki paha betis kaki jari kaki
upper limb generally arm forearm hand finger thumb
tangan lengan lengan bawa tangan jari tangan jempol
head face nose mouth ear
kepala muka hidung mulut telinga
neck chest shoulder back bottom
leher dada bahu punggung pantat
hair body hair eyelash eyebrow nostril
rambut bulu bulu mata alis lubang hidung
armpit throat chin lips cheek breasts vagina
ketiak tenggorokan dagu bibir pipi tetek (somewhat coarse) kemaluan ("shyness" literally)
blood blood vessels bone brain heart
darah pembuluh darah tulang otak jantung
liver gut / bowel muscle skin lungs
hati usus otot kulit paru-paru
my neck feels sore / unwell
leher saya (terasa) sakit
terasa: literally, the neck “is felt by me to be” sore - necks don’t feel something. Therefore do not use “merasa” when describing how a body part feels.
I am unwell / injured (general term) I feel bloated I have a liver disease ("struck by") I will become dizzy I am suffering symptoms I am wounded the feeling
saya sakit saya merasa kembung saya kena penyakit hati saya akan menjadi pusing saya menderita gejala saya terluka / kena luka / menderita luka perasaan(nya)
thirsty / dehydrated hungry / starving dizzy headache (2 options) itchy neck
haus / kehausan lapar / kelaparan pusing pusing kepala / sakit kepala gatal leher
diarrhoea stiff or sore back runny nose burnt cut / sliced accidentally
sakit diare pegal punggung beringus terbakar terpotong
nauseous want to vomit sleepy fatigued (2 options) broken bone
mual mau muntah mengantuk lelah / lesu patah potong
hurts, stings, painful to the touch
feeling faint
don’t feel good, don’t feel right
perih / pedih
tidak enak / nggak enak
in a formal way
my subordinate has formally become the sender of the email
secara resmi
bawahan saya sudah menjadi pengirim email secara resmi
it’s like this
it’s like this Bu, you need to take this medicine twice a day
begini bu, Ibu harus minum obat ini dua kali sehari
thing, item, matter, issue
this matter needs to be discussed at the upcoming meeting
an matter or thing in the context of a workplace/office
hal ini harus dibicarakan nanti di rapat
urusan (kantor)
please repeat that
tolong ulangi lagi
I don’t care
saya tidak peduli
time limit or deadline
do not exceed the deadline
batas waktunya
jangan melebihi batas waktunya
That’s good! / In that case its good.
Begitu kalau bagus.
Bothered, pestered, interrupted
a request
different to
Your t-shirt is different to my tshirt
berbeda dengan
kaos anda berbeda dengan kaos saya
that’s why
that’s why I told you before not to smoke here
makanya saya bilang tadi jangan merokok di sini
to fund or to finance
The government needs to fund the bridge construction in this city
pemerintah harus membiayai pembangunan jembatan baru di kota ini.
it appears…
your throats appears red
tenggorokan kelihatan merah