Pursuing Human Strengths CH 1 (Positive Psychology) Flashcards
Positive Psychology
- study of human strengths
- Martin Seligman, 1999
Often brings out the best in people
Human Freedom
- Choice, Change and Control
- Satisfying our need for autonomy is important to well-being and personal achievement.
Entity Theorists (Change)
- View human behavior as “fixed”
- Assign greater weight to ability than effort when considering what forms intelligence
- Tend to exert less effort
Incremental Theorists (Change)
- View traits as malleable
- Assign greater weight to effort than ability when considering what forms intelligence
- Tend to exert more effort
Theory about Human Nature
- Affects how we see the social world
- Affects how we think about and evaluate our own behavior as well as we perceive, judge and relate to others
Positive Psychology and Children
- Adults should praise children’s efforts over abilities
- Avoid making global statements and be specific in both positive and negative feedback
- Uncertainty leads to anxiety
- Hostages and prisoners of war often report the worst part of their experiences being uncertain about their fate.
Human Limits
- Having too many choices leads to unsatisfaction
- Having many choices fuels illusory control (may come to believe even chance events are under our control, gambling)
- Routinely seek to make “optimal” decisions and report overall lower feelings of well-being than “satisfiers” who seek “good enough”
Biological and Environmental Constraints
- Behavior geneticists demonstrate how our unique genetic blueprint contributes to individual differences in intelligence, personality, sexual orientation, and vulnerability to psych. disorder.
- About 50% of most personality traits may be attributable to genetic inheritance
- (Martin Seligman) We may inherit a genetic inclination that steers us toward a certain level of happiness or sadness.
- (Lyubomirsky) Research identifying the biological and environmental constraints of behavior not only defines our limits but gives direction to efforts for successful change and control.
Clear Direction
- key ingredient to personal development
Personal Growth
- a person’s active, intentional involvement in changing and developing as a person
Personal Growth Initiative Scale
(Robitschek) 4 components - Readiness for change - Planfulness - Using resources - Intentional Behavior
A Meaningful, Productive Life
- involves 2 processes:
differentiation - reflects a strong sense of personal responsibility for developing and using our unique talents
Integration - the realization that however unique we are, we are also completely enmeshed in networks of relationships w/ other human beings
To Be Happy
People must enjoy doing their best while contributing to something beyond themselves (incorporating differentiation and integration).