PUP L3 Review Flashcards
FMS Split mode (left vs right bus)
L bus
Pilot, Observer, Navigator
R bus
Copilot, FE
What does the LOCK 0 page on the FMS do?
Locks the system with any valid 3 character code
Can LSKs be used to control brightness of the FMS?
Describe the Mach warning bell
Identical in tone to the Fire Warning bell, but intermittent
What constitutes a stall warning?
Any warning readily identifiable by the pilot, including:
Initial buffet
Stall warning
Stick Shaker
Spoiler blowback occurs at what speed?
220 KIAS
When does the APU FIRE light extinguish?
When the fire is out
Can the APU be operated in flight
Don’t pressurize bleed air system from APU until APU reaches…
What is the first indication of combustion in the cockpit?
Rising EGT
What do you do if you inadvertently move the start lever to cutoff during start?
Stop start. Don’t reengage starter until rotation has stopped (N2 = 0)
Max reverse thrust can cause outboard engines to ingest exhaust from the inboards at speeds below ___
Generators are controlled by…
What controls the generator frequency load?
Frequency load controller (FLC)
What do you do with a popped circuit breaker?
Reset it once (except FRAPU and Fuel Pumps - don’t reset)
What condition must be met for the gen drive disconnect procedure to work
Gen must be at or above Idle RPM
Min fuel and procedures
2500 lbs in any main tank
Max 8 nose up, 10 nose down
When can you not dump fuel:
Fire on inboards or in wheel wells
Dump chute limitations
240 for extension and retraction
275 extended
Where are the AR Ready Lights?
Fuel management panel and in the middle of the pilot thing
How long must you wait before resetting the VCM circuit breaker?
53 sec
When does the ACM overheat light illuminate?
335F on compressor outlet temperature
What happens when you turn Air Conditioning switches to OFF?
Isolates pack from bleed air manifold
When does the cabin pressure relief valve open?
9.42 +/- .15 PSID
What is the max cabin differential pressure?
8.6 +/- .15 PSI
Do the manual control knob (down/hold/up knob) work in AUTO?
What does the cabin alt controller limit the cabin altitude to
14,000 ft
When does the hydraulic interconnect valve close?
When the first AC generator breaker closes
What must be done to use alternate AR system?
Gear handle up
How many applications does normal brake pressure allow?
What items are on the AUX system?
Inboard Spoilers
Primary AR
What must you do if you install the nosegear downlock pin?
Write it up in the 781
How many fuse plugs are in each brake?
Max speed with Gear extended?
320 KIAS / M .83
Where does Wing Anti Ice extend
Inboard engines to wingtips
Restrictions with window heat inoperative?
Max 250 it’s below 10,000 ft
What is the point about which an object will hang if suspended?
How do you find the simplified moment on the E-8C?
Divide by 1000
Lowest of
- When Vr is V1, Vmcg must be less than Vr
- When Vb is V1, Vmcg and Vcef must be less than Vb
Define Vmcg
Minimum speed you can lose
- Outboard upwind engine
- at TO thrust
And maintain control with
- rudder
- nosewheel steering
Lineup distances
200 static
600 Rolling
How do you select a climb profile?
Select the highest number from each box, and select the box with the lowest number