E8 General Knowledge Flashcards
Re-compute applicable takeoff data if change occurs greater than…
___ Pressure Altitude
+/-500 feet
Re-compute applicable takeoff data if change occurs greater than…
___ Gross Weight
+/-5000 pounds
Re-compute applicable takeoff data if change occurs greater than…
___ CG
CFL is increased/decreased approximately ___ by increases of 1 C, +/-100’ pressure altitude, or +/-1,000 pounds gross weight
+/-100 ft
With any increase in temperature, obstacle clearance calculations will be re-accomplished if obstacle clearance is ___ feet or less
100 feet
Increase rotation speed ___ knots for every ___ knots of tailwind
4 knots; 10 knots
When increasing rotation, takeoff and climbout speeds for gusts on takeoff, the maximum allowable increase is ___ knots
10 knots
When correcting approach speed for headwind and gusts, the total wind correction must not exceed ___ knots
20 knots
A/R airspeed from level off until 2 NM
M .76 or 310 KIAS, whichever is lower
A/R airspeed at 1 NM
M .72 or 290 KIAS, whichever is lower
A/R airspeed at 1/2 NM
M .69 or 285 KIAS, whichever is lower
A/R airspeed in contact
M .66 or 275 KIAS whichever is lower
Unless you want to remain in contact - in that case, fly as fast as the tanker
KC-135 inner limit
6 feet
KC-135 center extension
12 feet
KC-135 outer extension limit
18 feet
KC-135 left/right limits
10 degrees
KC-135 upper vertical limit
20 degrees
KC-135 vertical center
30 degrees
KC-135 lower vertical limit
40 degrees
KC-10 inner extension limit
6 feet
KC-10 extension center
13 feet
KC-10 outer extension limit
21 feet
KC-10 left/right limits
19 degrees
KC-10 upper vertical limit
20 degrees
KC-10 vertical center
Approximately 30 degrees
KC-10 lower vertical limit
40 degrees
A maximum of ___ KC-10 aerial refueling transfer pumps should be used during refueling operation to prevent over pressurization of refueling system
Flap indicators may indicate ___ degrees of actual flap extension
+/-3 degrees
Flaps will not be extended above _____
20,000 feet MSL
Leading edge flaps extend and retract as the _____ trailing edge flaps pass through the _____ degree position
Inboard; 6 +/-3 degree
If the bell rings before ___ or ___ is indicated, the point at which the bell begins to ring is limiting
Vmo or Mmo
The airplane battery is a ___ volt, ___ amp-hour, lead acid unit located in the _____ section
24 volt; 31 amp-hour; right lower nose
Rudder pressure should be approximately ___ PSI when rudder is set to the high range and ___ PSI when rudder is in low range
3000 PSI; 2250 PSI
The altimeter must check within ___ feet of a known location (RESET/STBY mode)
75 feet
Allowable tolerance between both RMDIs
2.5 degrees
Allowable difference between the RMDI and an HSI repeater )if on the same compass system)
1 degree
During the ADI test, the indicator should display ___ degrees of right bank, and ___ degrees of nose-up pitch
20 degrees; 10 degrees
Oxygen pressure should be ____ PSI
290 to 430 PSI
The LOX converter stores ___ liters of LOX at a nominal pressure of ___ PSI
75 liters; 300 PSI
Oxygen Level Low light comes on at or below ___ liters or when system pressure is below ___ PSI
7.5 liters; 42 PSI
The utility hydraulic reservoir is located in the ___ main wheel well. All airplanes have an extended filler neck and an expansion tank which has a capacity of ___ gallons
Left; 6.0 gallons
Hydraulic fluid above the ___ gallon level replenishes the auxiliary system reservoirs
3.2 gallon
RUDDER BOOST LOW PRESS light indicates pressure in supply line to the rudder power unit is below approximately ___ PSI. It is armed with _____ flaps down ___ degrees or greater and rudder draulic pressure in the high range
2500 PSI; inboard; 2 degrees
YAW DAMP DISENG light will come on when rudder pressure drops below ___ PSI or yaw damper _____ power is lost or when certain circuit _____ occur within the yaw damper circuits
1200 PSI; electric; faults
Hydraulic pump LOW PRESS lights come on when pressure decreases to approximately ___ PSI. The lights go out when pressure increases to approximately ___ PSI.
1100 PSI; 1200 PSI
When fuel temperature is ___ C or below, turn on fuel heat for ___ minute(s) prior to takeoff
0 C; 1 minute
If engines have been operating at idle thrust for ___ minutes or more, fuel heaters may be operated with engines at idle. Otherwise, fuel flow should be increased to ___ PPH before the heaters are turned on and maintain at least ___ PPH for 2 minutes after the heaters are turned off.
5 minutes; 1500 PPH; 1500 PPH
Turn fuel heaters to ___ for takeoff
Turn on engine anti-icing during ground operations whenever icing conditions exist for takeoff (outside air temperature ___ C or lower and visible moisture present)
10 C
If the nose cowl anti-ice valve does not open in ___ second(s) at idle thrust, increase thrust to ___ N1
1 second; 40% N1
Do not exceed ___ N1 on the ground with engine anti-ice operating. If a valve does not open within ___ second(s) at ___ N1, valve has failed
40% N1; 1 second; 40% N1
Do not use wing anti-ice for takeoff or until reaching ___ feet AGL
100 feet AGL
OIL LOW PRESS caution light will come on at ___ PSI or ___ PSID. It will go out at ___ PSI on increasing pressure. Light should go off within ___ second(s) after engine reaches stabilized idle
32 +/-2 PSI; 50 PSID; 36 PSI; 30 seconds
Fuel flow at light-off above ___ pph indicates an impending hot start
1400 pph
Normal fuel flow at light off is less than ___ pph
100 pph
Fuel flow peaks at _____ pph during acceleration and stabilizes at ___ pph at idle
1600-1800 pph; 1100 pph
A rise in EGT should occur within ___ second(s) after start lever is advanced
20 seconds
Re-compute applicable takeoff data if change occurs greater than…
___ Runway Temp
+/-2 C