E8 L3 Flights Controls Gauge Flashcards
Park airplane into wind above
65 knots
Outboard aileron effectiveness at flaps 14°
Full outboard aileron travel available at flaps
Speedbrake handle extends spoilers
Spoiler movement from speed brake setting
Spoiler blowdown occurs above
220 KIAS
Don’t deploy speed brake during
Fuel dumping
Severe fuel leak
Flaps extended (inflight)
Stabilizer trim limits (green range)
0-6.5 units nose up
Stab trim indicator tolerance
+/- 1/2 unit
Stab trim electric motor ground operation
2 min on, 13 min off
Max coast main electric trim
3.4 turns of manual stab trim wheel
Mach tuck occurs
79 M (autopilot off)
Flap setting for rudder low pressure mode
More than 2°
Max rudder deflection from yaw damper
YAW DAMP DISENG light illuminates
<1200 psi
Power lost
Certain circuit faults occur within the system
Leading edge flaps lower stall speed by
10 knots
Leading edge flaps controlled by movement of
Inboard trailing edge flaps
LE flaps extend at…
6° inboard trailing edge flaps extension
LE flaps retract at…
6° inboard trailing edge flaps retraction #2 thrust reverser operation (on ground)
Flaps 0-14 airspeed limit
223 KIAS
Flaps 14-25 airspeed limit
215 KIAS
Flaps 25-40 airspeed limit
200 KIAS
Flaps 40-50 airspeed limit
195 KIAS
Do not extend flaps above
20,000 feet
Emergency flap ground operation
One compete cycle, then 30 minutes cooling
Park with flaps up with winds above
35 knots