Pulmonology Flashcards
A patient comes in with a severe asthma exacerbation but you don’t hear any wheezing. What must be occurring?
Act fast. No wheezing is a sign of serious airflow obstruction
How are asthma and other reactive airway diseases confirmed on pulmonary function testing?
Rise in FEV1 > 12 seconds
Should asthmatics with respiratory acidosis be placed in the ICU?
Besides inhaled steroids, what are alternate long-term controller meds in patients with COPD?
Tiotropium, ipratropium
What is a critical lab to order in patients presenting with COPD and acute SOB?
ABG to assess carbon dioxide retention
Patients with COPD often have what baseline acid-base disturbance? Therefore, should you intubate patients with respiratory ____?
Respiratory acidosis from CO2 retention but also a high bicarbonate from compensatory degree of metabolic alkalosis.
Do not intubate just for respiratory acidosis, only if it is acutely worsening
What are CXR findings in a patient with COPD?
Hyperinflated lung fields, straightening of diaphragm, elongated heart, and substernal air trapping
What abnormality is present on CBC of patients with COPD?
Elevated hematocrit due reactive erythrocytosis from hypoxia (microcytic)
What should you find on PFT in a COPD patient?
FEV1: decreased
FVC: decreased
FEV1/FVC: decreased (
Can patients with COPD tolerate beta1-blockers?
Yes, almost all can
What is recommended chronic medical therapy for COPD?
Tiotropium/ipratropium inhaler Albuterol Smoking cessation Heptavalent pneumococcal vaccine Yearly influenza vaccine Supplementary O2 if low sats regularly
Your patient presents with hyperinflated chest on CXR with a low albumin and prolonged PT. Dx?
Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency
What is tx of alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency?
alpha-1 antitrypsin infusion
CXR with ‘tram tracking’ of bronchi
What is the most accurate test to dx bronchiectasis?
CT chest
What is tx of bronchiectasis?
There is no definitive tx. Chest physiotherapy and rotating antibiotics
Glass workers, mining, sandblasting, brickyard worker
Silicosis (interstitial lung disease)
Coal worker gets what ILD
Coal worker’s pneumoconiosis
Cotton (textile fiber dust) associated with what ILD
Electronics, ceramics, fluorescent light bulbs ILD
Mercury associated with ILD
Pulmonary fibrosis
What are PFT findings in a patient with ILD?
FEV1: decreased FVC: decreased FEV1/FVC: normal to increased RV: decreased TLC: decreased DLCO: decreased
What is the most common type of cancer associated with asbestosis?
Lung cancer
NOT mesothelioma
Generally there is no specific form of therapy which helps alleviate ILD. Which is the one form that may respond to steroid trials and why?
Berrylliosis bc it is a granulomatous disease
A patient presents with signs and symptoms very similar to ILD occurring for 3-4 weeks. The patient also has a fever and malaise. What is the likely dx?
Bronchiolitis oblilterans organizing pneumonia (BOOP) aka Cryptogenic organizing pneumonia (COP)
What is the most accurate test for making the dx of BOOP/COP?
Open lung bx
Unlike ILD, BOOP/COP has a response to what medications?
Name the following extrapulmonary findings seen in sacoidosis:
Eye Neural Skin Cardiac Renal/Hepatic Electrolyte
Eye: uveitis
Neural: CN VII involvement
Skin: Lupus pernioo (purplish lesion of skin on face), erythema nodosum
Cardiac: restrictive cariomyopathy; conduction defects
Renal/hepatic involvement: often asymptomatic
Electrolyte: hypercalcemia (due to vitamin D production by granulomas in sarcoidosis)
Best initial test for dx sarcoidosis
CXR (enlarged hilar lymph nodes)
Most accurate test for dx of sarcoidosis
Lung or lymph node biopsy with noncaseating granulomas
Noncaseating granulomas
Elevations in calcium and/or ACE
Best therapy for sarcoidosis