Errors Flashcards
What are appropriate antibiotic choices for a mild MRSA infection? (3)
How common is a retroverted uterus and does it have any effect on abortion risk?
No it does not
What is apathetic thyrotoxicosis?
Atypical form of hyperthyroidism which may cause confusion, letheragy, and depression; more common in elderly and may be misdiagnosed as dementia
What is the most common cause of death in anorexia nervosa? What part of the vitals should be closely monitored then?
Cardiac complications, like arrhythmias, resulting from electrolyte abnormalities.
Many anorexic patients may be bradycardic at baseline so a HR of 60-100 can be ominous in them actually
What is the HIV screening tool?
What is that test confirmed with?
If the above are negative, possibly because it is too early in the HIV detection window, what tests are more definitive?
Screen: ELISA
Confirm: Western Blot
Definitive: HIV RNA PCR or p24 antigen detection
What is characteristic of Celiacs disease on duodenal biopsy?
Villous blunting with plasma cell and lymphocyte infiltrate
What Chlamydia treatments are contraindicated in pregnancy?
Erythromycin Estolate (but not BASE)
What is primary treatment for Paget’s disease of bone?
What are treatment options at reducing blood pressure in cocaine-related chest pain?
Phentolamine (alpha antagonist)
Calcium pyrophosphate crystals in a joint cavity may be suggestive of what disorder?
In patients with suspected disseminated gonococcal infection (e.g. with joint infection) what/where should you culture?
Culture from joint and mucosal surfaces i.e. cervical, rectal, oral mucosa
What is a unique finding/symptom seen in disseminated gonococcal infection?
What are EKG findings of WPW?
Shortened PR interval
Delta Wave
Wide QRS
Patients with asthma may be susceptible to Aspergillus infections (i.e. allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis). What should be the initial test done when suspecting this diagnosis?
Skin prick and test for sensitivity to Aspergillus antigens. If this is negative the dx is very unlikely. If positive can move forward with additional tests like IgE measurement
What is tx for allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis? What if refractory?
Oral corticosteroids
If refractory than itraconazole
How long should infants with tubercular meningitis, miliary TB, or tuberculous osteomyelitis be treated?
12 months