Pediatrics Flashcards
What two things should be provided to the newborn at birth and why?
Erythromycin ointment (ward off bacterial infection) Vitamin K (prevent hemorrhagic disease)
Before discharging the newborn and mother what additional tests should you complete?
Hearing screen
Give mom HBV vaccine if HBsAg negative (admin HBV vaccine and HBV Ig if positive)
Neonatal screening tests
APGAR at 1 minute tells about _______
at 5 minutes tells about ______
1 minute: labor and delivery
5 minute: response to therapy
What should you rule out when seeing Mongolian spots?
Child abuse
Newborn presents on second day of life with firm papules on an erythematous base. What are these and what is mgmt?
Erythema toxicum
What constellation of symptoms may be seen in Sturge-Weber syndrome?
Port wine stain
AVM resulting in seizures
Mental retardation
Mgmt of Sturge-Weber Syndrome?
Pulsed laser therapy, AEDs, and evaluate for glaucoma
Treatment for large hemangiomas which are at risk for causing organ dysfunction to shifting cardiac output in a newborn?
Steroids or pulsed laser
Preauricular tags in newborn assd with …
Hearing loss
GU anomalies
Iris defect in newborn should raise suspicion for what syndrome?
Coloboma Heart defects Atresia of nasal choanae Retardatioon of growth GU anomalies Ear abnormalities
Absence of iris is red flag for …?
Wilms tumor
What type of surveillance should Wilm’s tumor patients undergo?
Abdominal US every 3 months until the age of 8
Newborn presenting with neck mass lateral to the midline is …
Branchial cleft cyst
Distinguish omphalocele vs gastroschisis
Omphalocele: GI organs outside of body but covered by peritoneum
Gastroschisis: GI organs outside of body with no covering
Umbilical hernia in newborn raises concern for …
In newborns with undescended testes what is mgmt?
No treatment until 1 year of age
At that time either hormone injections or orchiopexy
Should you circumcise hypospadias?
What abnormalities are seen in infants of diabetic mothers?
Hypoglycemia Hypocalcemia Hypomagnesia Hyperbilirubinemia Polycythemia
Cardiac anomalies
Small left colon syndrome
What causes transient tachypnea of the newborn and how long does it generally last?
Retained lung fluid in newborns delivered by C-section or with a rapid second stage of labor
What medicine do you provide to prevent respiratory distress in a potentially premature newborn?
Antenatal betamethasone when
What are ventilator settings you would use in a newborn with meconium aspiration?
High frequency ventilation
What is mgmt of diaphragmatic hernia?
Immediate intubation and surgical correction
How do you treat meconium plugs and meconium ileus?
Get abd xray and give gastrografin enema
What is part of the VACTERL syndrome?
Vertebral defects Anal atresia Cardiac anomalies TEF with ... Esophageal atresia Radial and Renal anomalies Limb Syndrome
What is treatment of newborn born with duodenal atresia (double bubble on xray)?
NG decompression and surgical correction
Greatest risk factor of NEC …
Premature delivery
Mgmt of NEC
Stop feeding
Decompress gut
Broad spectrum antibiotics
Evaluate for surgical resection
Your patient fails to pass stool early in course and upon digital exam a large volume passes. Dx?
What is the next part of the work-up?
What is a confirmatory test?
Hirschsprung disease
Barium enema
Rectal biopsy (absence of ganglionic cells)
Mgmt of kernicterus
Immediate transfusion exchange
If a newborn presents with jaundice and elevated conjugated bilirubin then what should you consider and the tests you should order?
Get LFTs and consider US and liver biopsy
Early onset sepsis in a newborn is most often from ….
PNA (GBS, E. coli, H. influenzae, L. monocytogenes)
Late onset sepsis in newborn is most often from ….
Meningitis or bacteremia (S. aureus, E. coli, Klebsiella, Pseudomonas?
What is empiric treatment of sepsis in newborn?
Ampicillin and gentamicin
If meningitis possible consider adding cefotaxime
Hydrocephalus with generalized intracranial calcifications and chorioretinitis
Toxo in newborn
What is the best initial test for Herpes dx in newborn? Most accurate?
Initial: Tzanck
Accurate: HSV PCR
Best initial test for syphilis in newborn?
Most accurate?
Initial: VDRL
Accurate: IgM-FTA-ABS
What tests should be ordered in working up seizures in the newborn?
EEG CBC, glucose, calcium, magnesium Amino acid and urine organic acids for inborn errors of metabolism IgM levels Blood and urine cultures LP Ultrasound head - look for IVH
Tx of seizure in newborn?
Lorazepam or diazepam (rectally)
Ethosuximide if absence
Of the following: heroin, methadone, cocaine, amphetamines, and alochol which presents with withdrawal in newborns at 48 hrs and which at 96 hrs to up to 2 weeks?
48 hrs: cocaine, heroin, alcohol amphetamines
96 hrs to 2 weeks: methadone
Is it acceptable to give narcan to a newborn?
No it may trigger withdrawal. It is acceptable to give small doses of opiates and phenobarbital
Effect on newborn
Vitamin K deficiency
Effect on newborn
Displaces bilirubin from albumin and increases risk of kernicterus
Effect on newborn
Premature closure of ductus arteriosus
Effect on newborn
Craniofacial abnormalities
Effect on newborn
Facial and ear anomalies, congenital heart disease
Effect on newborn
Hypoplastic nails, typical facies, IUGR
Effect on newborn
Diethylstilbestrol (DES)
Vaginal adenocarcinoma
Effect on newborn
Ebstein’s anomaly (atrialization of RV due to ineffective tricuspid valve leaflets)
Effect on newborn
Facial dysmorphism and chondrodysplasia
Effect on newborn
Mental retardation, neural tube defects
Trisomy with rocker bottom feet and hammer toe; micrognathia; microcephaly
Trisomy 18 Edwards Syndrome
Trisomy with holoproencephaly, cleft lip/palate
Trisomy 13 Patau Syndrome
What kind of regular surveillance should you complete in patients with Beckwith-Weideman Syndrome and to look for what?
Ultrasound and serum AFP every 6 weeks to look for Wilm’s tumor and hepatoblastoma
What are features of Robin (Pierre Robin) sequence and what complication should you watch for over the first 4 weeks of life?
Mandibular hypoplasia and cleft palate
(Assd with Edwards syndrome and fetal alcohol syndrome)
*Watch for airway obstruction in first 4 weeks of life
Height percentile at which age correlates with final adult height percentile?
2 years old
Advantages of breastfeeding
Passive immunity via T-cell transfer which reduces risk of allergy and GI/respiratory infection
Emotional bonding with mother
Contraindications to breast feeding
HIV Galactosemia Active drug use (e.g. cocaine, opiates, heroin) Systemic illness (e.g. TB) HSV (if lesions on breast) Maternal cancer receiving treatment
Until what age is enuresis normal?
5 years old