Pulmonary embolism Flashcards
Explain the pathophysiology behind PEs and how they cause sx
- lung tissue is ventilated but not perfused -> intrapulmonary dead space -> impaired gas exchange
- Alveolar collapse -> worsens hypoxaemia
- Reduction in cross sectional area of pulmonary arterial bed -> increased pulmonary arterial pressure + decrease in CO
What are the sources of emboli?
DVT in lower limbs Prostate + breast cancer (mostly) Sepsis Foreign bodies ( IVDU, broken catheters etc) Air - admitted during surgery Amniotic fluid during pregnancy
What are the RFs for PE?
DVT Prev DVT/PE Active cancer Recent surgery/trauma Immobility Pregnancy (esp. 6 weeks post party) >60yrs COCP, HRT Obesity
What are the clinical features of PE?
- Tachypnoea
- Pleuritic chest pain
- Features of DVT
- Others:
- tachycardia
- haemoptysis
- syncope
- hypotension
- creps
- cough or fever
What investigations would u do in suspected PE?
- Wells score (2-level)
- D-dimer
When would you do a CTPA?
if >4 points on Wells score
of if D-dimer +ve
When would you do D-dimer?
if 4 or less points on Wells score
When are CTPAs contraindicated and what is an alternative?
- allergy to contrast
- renal impairment
use V/Q scan
What changes are seen on ECG in PE?
Sinus tachycardia
RBBB + R axis deviation
S1Q3T3 - large S wave, large Q wave, inverted T wave
What should be done if there is a. delay in CTPA?
give immediate LMWH or fondaparinux (continue for 5 days)
What is the management of PE?
- LMWH (dalteparin) OR FONDAPARINUX injections ASAP as these start working straight away and bridge the time it takes for warfarin to start working
- WARFARIN w/in 24hrs of diagnosis, continue for 3 m
How long should LMWH/fondaparinux be taken for?
At least 5 days
until INR is 2.0 or more or at least 24hrs
When should warfarin be given for longer than 3m?
if unprovoked PE - so no obvious cause or provoking factor
active cancer - give for 6m
what is rx of massive PE w circulatory failure ?
Give examples of thrombolytic drugs