Myeloproliferative disorders Flashcards
What is polycythaemia?
abnormally high haematocrit + Hb conc
What is relative polycythaemia
reduced plasma volume + normal rbc mass
What are the causes of relative polycythaemia?
chronic: obesity, HTN, high alcohol/tobacco)
What is absolute polycythaemia
increase in total number of rbcs in circulation (↑ rbc mass)
what is primary polycythaemia?
polycythaemia rubra vera
What are secondary causes of absolute polycythaemia?
hypoxia - COPD, OSA, high altitude
↑ EPO secretion - renal carcinoma, hepatocellular carcinoma
What is the cause of polycythaemia vera?
neoplastic proliferation of haematopoietic cells in the BM
JAK2 V617F mutation
what is polycythaemia vera?
neoplastic proliferation of haematopoietic cells in the BM
these cells are capable of developing into: platelets, rbcs + neutrophils so there may be thrombocytosis and neutrophil leucocytosis
How does polycythaemia vera present?
- hyperviscosity sx: headaches, dizziness, tinnitus, visual disturbance
- Itch after hot bath
- erythromelalgia - burning sensation in fingers and toes
- facial plethora
- splenomegaly
- Thrombosis - stroke, MI, PE, DVT
What investigations would u do>
- Haematocrit - >49% men, >48% women
- WBC ↑
- ↑ platelets
- BM biopsy - hypercellularity + erythroid hyperplasia
What is the treatment of polycythaemia vera?
aspirin 75mg daily
alpha interferon
What is essential thrombocytosis?
megakaryocytic proliferation resulting in overproduction of platelets
What are the features of essential thrombocytosis?
platelet ≥450 x 10⁹/L
Arterial + venous thrombosis
Microvascular occlusion
What are the sx of essential thrombocytosis?
atypical chest pain
What is the treatment of essential thrombocytosis?
aspirin 75mg OD