Anaemia - introduction + microcytic Flashcards
What is the definition of anaemia?
haemoglobin (Hb) level <120 g/L (<12 g/dL) in females
<130 g/L (<13 g/dL) in males
<110 g/L (11 g/dL) in pregnant women
What is the most common cause of anaemia?
iron deficiency
what are the sx of anaemia?
fatigue SOB faintness palpitations headache tinnitus anorexia
How can anaemia present in coronary artery disease?
What are possible signs of anaemia?
Hyperdynamic circulation e.g. tachycardia, flow murmurs, cardiac enlargement
What are the causes of microcytic anaemia?
- Iron deficiency anaemia
- Thalassaemia
- Sideroblastic anaemia
What are the causes of normocytic anaemia?
- acute blood loss
- anaemia of chronic disease
- BM failure
- RF
- Hypothyroidism
- Haemolytic anaemia
- Pregnancy
- aplastic
What are the causes of microcytic anaemia?
- B12 or folate deficiency
- Alcohol XS
- Reticulocytosis
- Cytotoxics
- Myelodysplastic syndromes
- Marrow infiltration
- Hypothyroidism
What MCV level is microcytic anaemia?
What MCV level is macrocytic anaemia?
> 100fL
what are the causes of iron deficiency anaemia?
- inadequate iron intake - malabsorption e.g. coeliac
- increased iron loss - menorrhagia, GI bleeding
- XS iron requirements
What are the key diagnostic features of iron deficiency anaemia?
- fatigue
- pica
- nail changes - thinning, flattening, koilonychia (rare)
- hair loss
What investigations would you do to confirm iron deficiency anaemia?
- FBC - Hb, MCV, MCH, MCHC, platelets
- peripheral blood smear
- serum ferritin, iron
- Transferrin
- low reticulocyte
What investigations may u consider to identify the cause of iron deficiency anaemia?
- Coeliac serology - IgA tissue transglutaminase + total IgA
- H. Pylori testing - IgG abs or faecal antigen, confirm w urease breath test or endoscopy w biopsy
What is the treatment of iron deficiency anaemia?
- oral iron - ferrous sulphate (2-3mg/kg/day in 2-4 doses)
2. ascorbic acid if response to oral iron is poor
How long should rx of IDA be continued after Hb correction?
3-6 months
When are transfusions recommended in IDA?
If haemodynamically unstable - symptomatic at rest w SOB, CP, presyncope