Pulm Intro And Obstructive Flashcards
Describe each structure: parenchyma, pleura, hilum, alveoli,
Parenchyma: spongy, cone-shaped and holds alveoli for gas exchange
Pleura: 2 serous membranes (visceral covers outside of lung, parietal covers inner chest wall)
Hilum: entrance for n/vessels/bronchi
Alveoli: spongy, where gas exchange occurs
What are pneumocytes? Describe each type of
Epithelial cell
Type I: most abundant
Type II: cover minimal area and secretes surfactant to decrease surface tension and prevent collapse during exp
What does the conducting zone consist of? Respiratory zone?
Conducting: nose and bronchioles
Respiratory: alveoli
Describe the R and L main bronchus
R: shorter and downward, R upper and middle lobe bronchus
L: greater angle, upper and lower bronchus
Clinical presentation of COPD (6)
-dyspnea w/ activity
-chronic cough
-barrel chest
-decreased or absent breath sounds
-retain CO2
Grade 1 GOLD staging classification
-Grade 1: greater than or equal to 80% predicted FEV1
-MILD: symps mild and pt has SOB
Grade 2 GOLD staging classification
-Grade 2: 79-50% predicted FEV1
- MOD: may seek help for SOB
Grade 3 GOLD staging classification
-Grade 3: 30-49% predicted FEV1
-SEVERE: flare ups frequent
Grade 4 GOLD staging classification
-Grade 4: <30% predicted FEV1
-VERY SEVERE: lung fxn decreasing
General COPD medical management (6)
-quit smoking
-tx sleep disorders
-pulm rehab and exercises
Emphysema - what is it, cause, clinical signs (5)
“pink puffer”
destruction of alveolar walls, increases airspace
cause: smoking and environment
signs: accessory mus breathing, pursed lip breathing, minimal/no cough, lean fwd breathing, dyspnea on exertion
Chronic bronchitis - what is it, cause, clinical signs (6)
“blue bloater”
cause: secretions block bronchioles, hypertrophy of submucosal glands
signs: gurgly/crackly breath sounds, excess body fluids, cyanosis, chronic cough, SOB on exertion, increased sputum
Asthma what is it, risk factors
chronic airway inflam
risk factors: environment, genetics, sex, infections, allergens, obesity**
Asthma clinical present
-alt breathing pattern
-wheezing w/ relaxed breathing or forced exhal
-decrease breath sounds during exacerbation
-dyspnea on exertion
-pursed lip breathing
-leaning fwd posture
Asthma symptoms (5)
-tight chest
-fatigue during exercise
-cough (worse at night and early morn)