Cardiac Pathologies: -itises Flashcards
What is important to know from the hx exam?
chest pain, SOB, palpitations, fatigue, syncope, dizziness
What is important to know from the chart review?
lab values, ABGs (arterial blood gasses), meds
What are some components of the examination?
vitals, pulses, posture, skin, chest wall motion, EKG, circulation and lymphatic system
What is pericarditis? Causes?
inflammation of the pericardium or pericardial fluid
infection, acute MI, TB, drug use, cancer, trauma
S&S of acute pericarditis
-sharp/stabbing retrosternal chest pain (radiates to back and LT mid trap)
-fever and malaise
-pain w/ cough, deep breathing or in supine
-dyspnea (non-exertional)
-normal EKG
-auscultation > pericardial friction rub
How to dx pericarditis?
Labs - inflammatory markers
-sed rate
-C-reactive protein
-possible elevated troponins
Tx or management
antibiotics or pericardial drainage
self resolves 1-3 wks
What is constrictive pericarditis?
chronic pericarditis or pericardial effusion which thickens and scars the pericardium
S&S of constrictive pericarditis
-dyspnea and fatigue from decreased CO
-LE and abdominal swelling
-dizziness or syncope
-vague retrosternal chest pain
-jugular venous distention**
Dx tools for constrictive pericarditis
chest x-ray, echocardiograph, CT, cardiac catherization
What is pericardial effusion?
overaccumulation of fluid in pericardial space, restricts heart pump
How is pericardial effusion dx? Tx?
-muffled heart and lung sounds
-dullness to percussion of L lung at scapula angle
-chest radiograph (enlarged cardiac silhouette)
Tx: pericardiocentesis (pericardial draining)
What is cardiac tamponade? How is it dx?
effusion exerts pressure on heart, impairing diastolic function
Cardiac tamponade tx
Drained with cardiac or pericardial window
S&S of cardiac tamponade
decreased CO; dyspnea, fatigue, syncope, dizziness, cough