Final Exam (wk 5-8) Flashcards
What 4 conditions can an xray be used for?
-valve dysfxn
-differential dx of pulm conditions
What is echocardiography?
non-invasive procedure using high frequency US waves
What is doppler imaging used for?
to see BF direction and velocity
What do CTs show?
series of thin xrays to generate cross sectional images of heart and pulm vasculature
Does CT require that xray doesn’t in order to see specific structures?
IV contrast agent; distinguishes blood and tissue
What can a CT pulmonary angiography detect?
What are 3 benefits of CT pulm angiography?
-rapid reporting
-high sensitivity/specificity
-widely available
What are 2 limitations of CT?
-artifact from pt moving/breathing
Describe what an MRI does
-uses magnetic field to obtain images of internal structures
-requires no radiation
What is positron emission tomography?
nuclear technique that provides visualization and direct measurement of metabolic functioning
What is positron emission tomography the gold standard for?
BF measurement
Advantage and disadvantage of positron emission tomography
-advantage: can detect viable myocardium w/o ex
-disadvantage: costly
How does nuclear imaging work?
uses injected radioactive tracers to evaluate heart fxn
What does a duplex US do?
-records sound waves reflecting off objects to measure the qualities of flow
-determines if plaque is blocking artery flow
What does a carotid duplex do?
-evals neck arteries
-most accurate test to determine carotid artery disease
What is MRA? Purpose?
-magnetic resonance angiography
-detect PAD
2 advantages of MRA
-lack of radiation
-removal of background structures
What are the 4 ABI ranges?
> 1.1 - no symps
0.5-1.0 - claudication
0.2-0.5 - critical limb ischemia
< 0.2 - severe ischemia
What is arteriography? 3 SE?
-invasive dx test; contrast angiography; pic of blood vessels
SE: sensitive rxn, hemorrhage/hematoma
What is contrast echocardiography? Purpose?
-uses IV contrast with echocardiogram
-assesses myocardial perfusion and ventricular chambers
What happens during trans-esophageal echogardiography?
-sedation, catheter into esophagus
Purpose of trans-esophageal echocardiography
-rule in/out bacterial endocarditis, aortic dissection, valve regurgitation, L atrial thrombus, septal defect
What is intravascular US?
tiny US on catheter inserted into artery to see interior artery walls
What is the purpose of R side cardiac catheterization?
evaluates R heart pressures
What is the purpose of L side catheterization? Where does catheter travel through?
-evaluates aorta
-common femoral artery or radial artery
6 indications for cardiac catheterization
-aortic dissection
-atypical angina
-congenital disease
-s/p MI
-valve disease
Name 4 different angioplasty and briefly describe
-stent: supports arterial wall
-balloon angiography: tiny balloon pushes thrombus/thingy against arterial wall; percutaneous coronary intervention
-rotoblader: grinds up calcified blockage
-atherectomy: small vacuum that removes part/all blockage
What is percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA)
-balloon and stent inserted into diseased artery
-balloon inflated, stent expands
-balloon taken out and stent left in to widen artery
What is an endarterectomy? Goal?
-surgical procedure to open/clear carotid artery
-goal: reducing stroke risk
What is ICU acquired weakness?
acute onset of NM and fxnal impairment in critically ill
3 dx criteria for ICU acquired weakness (ICUAW)
-generalized weakness developing after onset of critical illness
-diffuse weakness; spares CN nerves
-dependence on ventilation
2 S/S of critical illness polymyopathy
-loss of DTRs and diminished sensory and pinprick sensation
-loss of motor and sensory action potentials on
What are 3 factors of critical illness myopathy?
-proximal limb and respiratory mus weakness
-difficulty weaning off vent
-loss of motor action potentials but sensory ok
What are 4 main factors of post intensive care syndrome (PICS)?
-impaired cognition; similar to mild dementia
-psychiatric: depression, anxiety, PTSD
-physical fxn: ICUAW, vent > 7 days
3 big PT implications of ICUAW and PICS
-wean from vent
-reduce sedation
-EARLY rehab/mob
Target SaO2 range for norm adult
Target SaO2 for COPD
Oxygen delivery systems
-nasal cannula
-open face tents
-closed face mask
-trach collar
-non rebreather masks
-venturi masks/air entrainment masks