Pulm Flashcards
Risk factors for DVT
Stasis, endothelial injury, hypercoagulability - Virchow’s triad
Criteria for exudative effusion
Pleural/serum protein >0.5
Pleural/serum LDH>0.6
PLeural fluid LDH >2/3 upper limit of nromal serum LDH
Causes exudative effusion
Leaky capillaries
-Malignancy, TB, bacterial or viral infection, PE with infarct, pancreatitis
THink inflammation
Causes transudative effusion
Intact capillaries
-CHF, liver or kidney disease, protein losing enteropathy
think changes in hydrostatic and oncotic P
Normalizing PCO2 in pt having an asthma exacerbation may indicate
Fatigue and impending respiratory failure
Dyspnea Lateral hilar LNopathy on CXR noncaseating granulomas Inc ACE Hypercalcemia
PFT obstructive disease
Dec FEV1/FVC (<80)
PFT restrictive disease
Inc FEV1/FVC, dec TLC (>110)
Honeycomb on CXR
Diffuse interstitial pulm fibrosis
Supportive care and steroids
Tx SVC syndrome
Tx mild persistent asthma
Inhaled beta agonists and inhaled corticosteroids
Tx COPD exacerbation
O2, bronchoD, abx, corticosteroids with taper, smoking cessation
Tx chronic COPD
Smoking cessation, home O2, Beta agonist, antichol, systemic or inhaled corticosteroids, flu and pneumo vaccines
Acid base disorder in PE
Resp alkalosis with hypoxia and hypocarbia
Non Small cel lung cancer associated with hypercalcemia
Lung cancer w/ SIADH
Small cell lung cancer
Lung cancer related to cigarette
Small cell lung cancer
Tall caucasion man witha cute SOB
Spontaneous pneumothorax
Spontaneous regression, supplemental O2 may help
Tx tension pneumo
Immediate needle thoracostaomy
Characteristics favoring carcinoma in isolated pulm nodule
Age >45-50
Lesions new ot larger compared to old films
Absence calcification or irregular calcification
Size >2 cm
Irregular margins
Hypoxemia and pulm edema with normal PCWP
Resp alkalosis
Sequelae asbestos exposure
Pulmonary fibrosis–>pleural plaques–>bronchogenic carcinoma (mass in lung field)–>mesothelioma (pleural mass
Inc risk of what infection with silicosis
Causes hypoxemia
Right to left shunt Hypoventilation Low inspired O2 Diffusion defect V/Q mismatch
Classic CXR findings for pulm edema
Cardiomegaly, prominent pulm vessels, Kerley B lines, bat’s wing appearance of hilar shadows, perivascular and peribronchial cuffing
Westermark’s sign and Hamptom’s hump
CXR findings suggesting PE
Etiologies of obstructive disease
ABCT Asthma Bronchiectasis CF/COPD Tracheal or bronchial obstruction
Reversible airway obstruction 2/2 bronchial hyperreactivity, airway inflammation, mucous plugging, smooth mm hypertrophy
pH imbalance asthma
Resp alkalosis with mild hypoxia
Dx asthma
Methacholine challenge- tests for bronchial hyper responsiveness
Meds for asthma exacerbations
ASTHMA Albuterol Steroids Theophylline Humidified O2 Magnesium - severe Antichol
Example long and short acting beta 2 agonist
albuterol - short
Salmeterol- long
Function corticosteroids in asthma
Inhibit cytokine synthesis - beclomethasone/prednisone
Fcn muscarinic antagonist in asthma
block muscarinic receptors = prevent bronchoC
Fcn methylxanthines asthma
BronchoD by inhibiting PDE = inc cAMP levels
Theophylline- narrow therapeutic window (Cardio and neurotoxic)
Cromlyn fcn
Prevents release vasoactive mediators from mast cell
Use exercise induced bronchospasm = only good for prophy
AntiLT fcn
Zileuton: 5-lipoxygenase pathway inhibitor, blocks conversion of arachnidonic aci to LT
Montelukast, Zafirlukast: block LT receptors
Mild intermittent asthma
Howo often
PRN short acting bronchoD
Mild persistent asthma
How often
> 2/wk but 2 night/month
Daily low dose corticosteroid, PRN short acting bronchoD
Moderate persistent asthma
How often
>1 night/wk
Low to medium dose corticosteroid + long acting beta 2 and PRN short bronchoD
Severe persistent
How often
Continual, frequent
High dose inhaled corticosteroid _ long acting beta 2; PO corticosteroid; PRN short acting bronchoD
Permanent dilation of bronchii 2/2 cycles of infection and inflammation
Chronic cough, yellow/green sputum, dysponea, hemoptysis, halitosis
CXR: inc bronchovascular marking and TRAM LINES (outline dilated bronchi)
CT: dilated airway and ballooned cyst
Spiro: dec FEV1/FVC
If chronic hypercapnea, what can O2 do?
Suppress hypoxic respiratory drive
Chronic bronchitis - time criteria
productive cough >3 months in 2 consecutive yrs
Terminal airway destruction and dilation
Emphysema vs bronchitis S?S
E: pink puffer - dyspnea, pursed lips, minimal cough; thin appearance, late hypercarbia/hypoxia
B: blue bloater - cyanosis with mild dyspnea, productive cough, overweight, edema, rhonchi, early signs hypoxia
Hyperinflated lung, flat diaphragm, thin heart and mediastinum; bullae or blebs
pH status COPD
acute or chronic resp acidosis (inc pCO2) with hypoxemia
COPD Corticosteroids Oxygen if PaO2 <=89% Prevention - smoking, pneumo and flu vaccines Dilators: Beta 2 ag and antichol
Inflammation or fibrosis of interalveolar septum
Honey combing
Shallow rapid breathing, DOE, nonproductive cough, fine crackles, RHF
Interstitial lung disease
PFT for interstitial lung dis
normal FEV1/FVC
Meds cause interstitial lung disease
AMIODARONE BLM busulfan Nitrofurantoin Rads
Sarcoid S/S
GRUELING Granulomas aRthritis Uveitis Erythema nodosum LNopathy Interstitial fibrosis Negative TB Gammaglobulinemia
Labs: Inc ACE, hyperCa, hypercalciuria, inc ALP
Sarcoid most common in
Afr Am females
Alveolar thickening and granulomas 2/2 environmental exposure
Acute within 4-6 hrs
Chronic - progressive dyspnea and rales
Hypersensitivity pneumonitis
Inhalation small inorganic dust particles
Manufacture tile or brake linings, insulation, construction, demolition, shipbuilding
Can see fibers on pleural biopsy
15-20 yrs after initial exposure
CXR shows/multinodular opacities and interstitial fibrosis; calcified pleural plaques, CT shows linear fibrosis
Complication: inc risk mesothelioma and other lung cancers
Coal mines
CXR small nodular opacities in upper lung
Spiro shows restrictive dis
Coal miners disease
Progressive massive fibrosis
Work in mines or quarries with glass, pottery or silica, sandblasting, cutting granite
CXR: small nodular opacities in upper lung zones, EGGSHELL CALCIFICATIONS, hilar adenopathy
Spiro: restrictive disease
Increased risk TB, need annual TB test; progressive massive fibrosis
Work in high technology fields = aerospace, nuclear, electronic plants
Ceramics, foundries, plating facilities, dental material sites, dye manufacturing
CXR: diffuse infiltrates and BILATERAL hilar adenoathy, granulomas
Requires chronic corticosteroids
Diverse group w/ eosinophilic pulm infiltrate and eosinophilia
Eosinophilic pulmonary syndromes
Decreased PO2
Tx hypercapnic pts
Inc ventilation to inc CO2 exchange
How to increase oxygenation on mechanical ventilator
Inc FiO2 or PEEP
How to increase ventilationon mechanical ventilator
Inc RR or Inc TV
Acute onset
Ratio PaO2/FiO2 <18
Hypoxemia, dec lung compliance, pulm edema
4 phases ARDS
- acute injury - normal PE and possible resp alkalosis
- 6-48 hrs: hyperventilation, hypocapnia, widening A-a gradient
- ARF, tachypnea, dyspnea, dec lung compliance, scattered rales, diffuse chest opacity on CXR
- Severe hypoxemia unresponsive to Tx, inc intrapulm shunting, metabolic and resp acidosis
Goal oxygenation ARDS
PaO2 > 60
SaO2>90% on FiO2 <=0.6
Mean pulm arterial P > 25 (normal 15)
5 classifications
1. Arterial pulm Htn
2. inc pulm venous P from L sided heart disease
3. Hypoxic vasoconstriction 2/2 chronic lung dis
4. chronic thromboembolic dis
5. Pulm Htn with unclear multifactorial etiology
Pulm HTN/Cor pulmonale
Causes pulm HTn
MV disease
Inc resistance pulm VV
S/S pulm HTN
DOE Fatigue Letharfy Syncope with exertion CP RHF (edema, abdominal distention, JVD)' Loud palpable S2, S4, parasternal heave
Sudden onset dyspnea, pleuritic CP, low grade fever, cough, tachypnea, tachycardia, resp alkalosis, loud P2, RHF
Pulmonary thromboembolism
Most common cause PE
from DVT
Dx of PE
CXR: normal, possble Hapmtoms hump (wedge shaped infarct) or Westermarks sign (oligemia in affected lung zone) EKG: sinus tach or S1Q3T3 Ct pulm ang with IV contrast - spiral CT VQ scan- mismatch D dimer: sensitive not specific LE venous US: clot
Lung nodules on CXR
- Recent immigrant
- Ohio River Vally
- TB
- Cocci
- Histoplasmosis
Benign vs malignant
- age
- smoking
- films
- appearance
- margins
- size
/ 2cm
Highly correlated with cigarette exposure, central location, neuroendocrine origin, paraneoplastic, mets on presentation (brain, liver, bone)
Small cell lung cancer
3 types nonsmall cell lung ca
Large cell/neuroendocrine
Most common lung CA, peripheral location, broncheoalveolar carcinoma (single nodules, interstitial infiltration, prolific sputum), pleural effusion have increased hyaluronidase NOT ASSOCIATED WITH SMOKING
central location, 98% smokers
least common, poor prognosis, peripheral location, early cavitation
Large cell/neuroendocrine CA
Lung cancer mets
LABB Liver Adrenals Brain Bone
Associated tumor
Miosis, ptosis, anhidrosis
Pancoast tumor at apex
Facial swelling and lung Ca
SVC syndrome - supraclavicular engorgement and facial swelling
Hoarseness and lung CA
recurrent laryngeal n involvement
Examples paraneoplastic syndromes of lung CA
- Endocrine/metabolic
- -Cushing - SCLC
- -Hypercalcemia–SCC
- -Gynecomastia–Large cell
- Skeletal
- -Hypertrophic pulmoary osteoarthyopatyh- non small
- -Digital clubbing - non small
- Neuromuscular
- -Peripheral neuropathy, subacute cerebellar degen, MG (Lambert-Eaton) - SCLC
- -Dermatomyositis- All
- CV
- -Thrombophlebitis or nonbacterial venous endocarditis - Adeno
- Heme
- -Anemia, DIC, eosinophilia, thrombocytosis-All
- -Hypercoagulability- Adeno
- Cutaneous- acanthosis nigircans -All
Unresectable, rads and chemo- low survival rate b/c returns
Surgical resection, rads or chemo
Dyspnea, pleuritic CP, cough, dullness to percussion, dec breast sounds, possible rub
Pleural effusion
Tx pleural effusion
Acute onset unilat pleuritic CP and dyspnea; tachypnea, diminished or absent breat sounds, hyper resonance, dec tactile fremitus, JCD, decreased chest wall movement
Tension pneumo: tracheal deviation and hemodynamic instability
Primary vs secondary pneumothorax
Primary: 2/2 rupture subpleural apical blebs - tall thin young adulte males
Secondary: COPD, trauma, infectious, iatrogenic
1 way air valve causing air trapping in pleural space
Tension pneumothorax
Presentation of pneumothorax
P-THORAX Pleuritic pain Tracheal deviation Hyperresonance Onset sudden Reduced breast sounds and dyspnea Absent fremitus (asymmetric chest wall) Xray shows collapse
What does DLCO stand for
Diffusing capacity of lungs - ability to transfer gases from alveoli to pulm capillaries
Inspiratory V during normal respiration
Air V beyond normal tidal V that is filled during maximal inspiration
Total inspiratory air volume considering both TV and IRV
Air V beyond TV that can be expired during normal respiration
Remaining air V left in lungs following max expiration
RV + ERV = air remaining after expiration of TV
Max air volume that can be expired and inspired IC + ERV
Total air volume of lungs FVC + RV
2 PFT decreased in obstructive, all others are increased
FVC and FEV1
Normal A-a gradient
5-15 mmHg
Inc: PE, pulm edema, r-l shunt
False normal: may be seen in causes of hypoventilation or at high altitudes
PAO2-PaO2 gradient
713 x 0.21 -(PaCO2/0.8)-PaO2
0.21 = FiO2 fraction of O2 in inspired air
PAo2: alveolar O2 content
PaO2 - arterial O2 (90-100)
Nasal and throat irritation, sneezing, rhinorrhea, nonproductive cough, fever, no exudative or productive coug
Viral rhinitis/common cold
Sore throat, LNopathy, fever, red swollen pharynx, tonsillar exudates
Cause: GABS or common cold virus
Penicillin, amoxicillin, etc
Complications GABS pharyngitis
PSGN- high antistreptolysin O
Rheumatic fever
Rheumatic heart disease
Cause of tonsillar infections
Strep pharyngitis
Arthralgias, myalgias, sore throat, nasal congestion, nonproductive cough, N/V, diarrhea, high fever, LNopathy
Rx to shorten course
Viral influenza
Major complication of sinusitis
Causes acute sinusitis
Strep pneumo
H flu
Moraxella catarrhalis
Cause chronic sinusitis
DM and sinusitis
Which sinuses usually affected in sinusitis
Rx sinusitis
Productive cough, sore throat, fever, wheezing tight breath sounds
Usual cause
Acute bronchitis
If inc risk bacterial infection give fluoroquinolones, tetracycline, erythromycin
Infection broncheolaveolar tree by nasopharyngeal bugs–> prod or nonprod cough, dyspnea, chills, night sweats, pleuritic CP, decreased breast sound, dullness to percussion egophony, tachypnea
Labs: Inc WBC, positive sputum
CXR: lobar consolidation
Bacterial or fungal- broad spectrum abx until cultures return
Cough, hemoptysis, dyspnea, weight loss, night sweats, fever, rales
TB is screening for exposure
Acid fast stain, culture, bronchoscopy
CXR reactived vs primary
Primary- lower lobe
Reactivated - apical
Also Ghon complexes- calcified granulomas/LN
Most common pneumo in kids
Most common pneumo adults
Strep pneumo - higher risk in pts w/ sickle cell
Tx: beta lactams and macrolides
Pneumo common in COPD, slower onset than classic pneumo
H flu
Tx: Beta lactams or TMP-SNX
Nosocomical pneumoa common in immunocompromised pts
Forms abscess
Staph auresu
Beta lactams
Pneumo in alcoholics with high risk aspiration, currant jelly sputum
Kleb pneumo
Cephalosporin, aminoglycosides (gentamicin)
Chronically ill and immunocompromised, CF, rapid onset pneumo
Tx: Fluroquinolones, aminoglycosides, 3rd gen cephalopsoring,
Neonates and infants pneumo
Beta lactams
Nosomical and elderly pts
3 types atypical pneumo
Mycoplasma- young adults (college), positive cold agglutinin (macrolides)
Legionella: aerosolized water (macrolides, fluoroquinolones)
Chalmydophila - young and old (doxycyline and macrolides)
Midwest and south central america
KOH prep
Verrucous or ulcerated skin lesions
Pneumo caves
Immunocompromised Pneumo + GI
PCP - inc LDH (or CMV if koilocytosis)
Paired gram + cocci pneumo
Strep pneumo
PPD test positive at 5 mm
HIV, close contacts with TB, signs TB on CXR
PPD test positive 10 mm
Homeless, immigrants, IVDU, health care, recent incarceration
PPD test positive 15 mm
Always positive
Causes ARDS
A- aspiration, acute pancreatitis, air or amniotic embolism
R - radiation
D- drug OD, diffuse lung disease, DIC, drowning
S -shock, sepsis, smoke inhalation
Proonged, nonresponsive asthma attack that can be fatal
Status asthmaticus
Agressive bronchoD, corticosteroids, O2, possibly intubation
Emphysema vs chronic bronchitis:
Normal in bronchitis
Dec in ephysema (also asbestosis)
Alpha 1 antitrypsin def induced emphysema vs not
Alpha 1: panlobular
Not: centrilobular
Hoarseness worsens with time, dysphagia, hemoptysis, assocaited tob and alcohol
Laryngeal CA
Tx - remove lesions, rads with surg
> 50 yrs, inflammatory lung disease, restrictive, inc PMN on lavage, CXT with honeycomb and CT ground glass
Idiopathic pulm fibrosis
Tx: steroids + azothioprine/cyclophosphamide
Progressive AI disease of lungs and kidneys 2/2 antiglomerular basement membrane Ab (anit-GBM)
S/S: hemoptysis, dyspnea, resp infection
Labs: restrictive PFT, UA proteinuria and granular casts, renal biopsy crescenteric GMN and IgG in glomerular capillaries
Plasmapheresis, steroid and immunosuppressive Rx
Granulomatous inflammation and necrosis of lung and other organs 2/2 systemic vasculitis affecting lung and kidneys - noncaseeating granulomas and destruction of lung parenchyma
S/S: ulceration of nasopharynx, CNS Sx
Lab: + cytoplasmic antineutrophil Ab (c-ANCA)
Granulomatosis with polyangitis -Wegner
Cytotoxic Tx - cyclophosphamide and steroids
Risk factors PE
7H Hereditary hypercoagulability History- prior DVT or PE Hypomobility Hypovolemia- heydration Hypercoagulability Hormones Hyperhomocysteinemia
Time line to anticoagulate after PE
3-6 months
3 types pneumothorax
Closed - chest wall intact (COPD, spontaneous, TB, blunt trauma)
Open- air through opening in chest wall (penetrating trauma, iatrogenic)
Tension- air enters but does not leave (trauma)
Dyspnea, pleuritic CP, weakness, decreased BS, dullness to percussion, decreased tactile fremitus
Tumor on visceral pleura or peritoneum with poor prognosis
Asbestos (20 yrs later)
Extrapleural pneumonectomy w/ chemo and rads - Tx
Tx central sleep apnea
respiratory stimulants
phrenic n pacemaking
Localized alveolar collapse, common after surgery and anesthesia, also asthmatics/FB aspiration/ mass effect
CXR: fluffy infiltrates and lobar collapse
Preventive Tx?
Incentive spiro, ambulate, PT
How to check proper placement of ET tube?
end tidal CO2 - rise following expiration
What can be adjusted with mechanical ventilation?
inspirator P
PEEP prevent alveolar collapse
Predictors of weaning success
Max ins P < 30 cm H2O
VC > 10mL/Kg
minute vent 200
frequency: TV ratio <100 breaths/min/L
Determines and automatically delivers set TV and rate
Pt provides no effort
Determines and automatically devliers set TV and rate
Pt can breathe spontaneously between mechanical breaths
Machines tries to synch rate with pt initiated breaths, automatically delivers TC and rate
Pt can breathe spontaneously between mechanical breaths
Machines senses pt’s attempt to breathe and delivers full preset TV, backup rate if no spont breathing
Pt driven unless no attempts to breath
Acute inflammation of larynx, 3 mo - 5 yrs, barking cough, inspiratory stridor, subglottic narrowing/steeple sign
Parainfluenza 1 and 2 (RSV, influenza, rubeola, adenovirus, Myco pneumo)
Cause epiglottitis
Major S/S
HiB, strep or the H flu
Dysphagia, drooling, muffled voice, high fever, lean forward to breath, THUMBPRINT SIGN (opacified epiglottis obscures airways)
Cause bronchiolitis
RSV or parainfluenza 3 (not common)
S/S - wheezing and resp distress
CXR - hyperinflation lungs
Tx- monitor airway
Caused by surfactant def; presents within 2 d of birth, inc RR, ABG shows inc CO2, dec O2, ground glass on CXR
RDS of newborn
Increased risk of developing asthma
complication meconium aspiration
pulm HTN
DNase - decrease viscosity of phlegm
Common pulm infection
Top 3 causes cough in outpt
postnasal drip
Pneumo in TB and pulm cavitation
Popcorn calcifcations
Granulomas - bening
NBulls eye calcifications
Hamartomas- benign
Gold standard PE
pulm angiography