Publications (2018) Flashcards
As a technician, if you are to maintain complex weapons systems, where must you obtain the required information?
Technical publications.
What manual provides guidance on maintaining technical manuals?
NAVAIR 00-25-100, Naval Air Systems Command, Technical Manual Program.
What are the two general styles of technical manuals?
Military Specifications and commercial.
Technical manuals are divided into how many major types and what are they?
Two major types-operational and maintenance.
How are workpackage (WP) manuals divided?
By function and task.
What are the three primary elements for usability in a manual?
Visible lock-on format, logical arrangement structure, and quick understanding.
In a work package type manual, what is the information that appears in the upper right corner of each page?
The 5-digit WP number and the page within the work package.
What is the difference between a change and a revision of a technical manual?
A change issues correction pages for an existing technical manual, and a revision is the complete reissue of the entire technical manual with the changes incorporated.
What reporting system allows fleet input to technical manual changes?
Technical publication deficiency reporting program.
What are the two types of publication changes?
Routine and Rapid Action Changes.
What is the purpose of the “A” page in a manual?
To help the user insert new pages and maintain a record of current pages.
Difference data sheets are used for what purpose?
To allow data to be added or changed without making a direct impact on existing information.
In a WP manual, where can you find information for all changed revised, added or deleted work packages?
The numerical index of effective work packages.
How are illustrations and tables added between existing items and how are they numbered?
Capital letter suffixes are added to the number of the preceding illustration or table.
What is the function of the Rapid Action Change (RAC)?
To expedite the dissemination of urgent operation and maintenance change information.
How many numbering systems are currently in use by NAVAIR and what are they?
Two. The NAVAIR (NA) numbering system and the newer Technical Manual Identification Numbering System (TMlNS).
What part of the NAVAIR numbering system can the category of the publication be found?
Part I.
The standard TMINS number is made up of how many distinct parts and what are they?
Two. The publication identifier (PI) and the suffix.
The two-digit subject serial number is what group of the PI?
The third group.
What are the last six positions in the publication identifier (PI) called?
The technical manual (TM) identifier.
In the NAVAIR publication number NA 01-75PAA-2-4, what does the number “2” designate?
That this publication is a maintenance instruction manual.
How are quality assurance inspection requirements identified in maintenance instruction manuals (MIM)?
In most cases the QA required inspections are shown in italics; in some cases those requirements are underlined.
What technical publication is most helpful in identifying and ordering replacement parts?
Illustrated Parts Breakdown (IPB).
The Naval Aeronautic Publications Index (NAPI) has how many sections?
Where are all NAVAIR aeronautical publications changes, technical directives, and forms cataloged?
Naval Aeronautical Publication Index (NAPI).
What division maintains a complete Naval Aeronautic Publications Index (NAPI) in its library?
Quality assurance division.
What is the purpose of the “Technical Documentation List”?
To provide information concerning the availability and applicability of technical manuals for maintenance of a particular aircraft model.
What information does the NATOPS Flight Manual contain?
Complete operating instructions for a specific aircraft and its operational equipment.
What type of manual describes how to “fight” an aircraft?
Tactical manual.
Which manuals prevent the need for duplication of standard practices in other manuals?
General engineering series manuals (01-1A).
What does the “-3” in the publication number 01-75PR4-3-1 indicate?
Part III is the “type manual. “A “-3” in this position indicates a structural repair manual.
Aeronautical component and equipment manuals, 03 series, cover information on what type of equipment?
MRCs, PMCs, and SSCs provide a basis for planning, scheduling, and complying with scheduled maintenance requirements under what system?
Planned Maintenance System (PMS).
Periodic Maintenance Information Cards (PMICs) identify what information?
Scheduled or forced removal items and their replacement intervals.
What are the only documents authorized for operational or maintenance performance on naval aircraft and related equipment?
Technical manuals or publications issued through the NAVAIR distribution system.
What is the purpose of the Naval Aviation Safety Program, OPNAVINST 3750.6?
To preserve human and material resources.
What safety-related publication provides guidance on the administration of the NAVOSH program Navywide?
Navy Occupational Safety and Health (NAVOSH) Program, OPNAVINST 5100.23.
What information is contained in OPNAVINST 5100.19?
Safety precautions applicable to forces afloat.
What is the purpose of the manual NAVAIROSH Requirements for the Shore Establishment, NAVAIR A1-NAOSH-SAF-00/P5100-I?
To provide guidance on acceptable workplace safety and health standards ashore within the Naval Air Systems Command.
What is the purpose of the Technical Directive System?
It controls and issues all technical directives.
What are the two styles of Technical Directives (TDs)?
Formal TDs (letter) and interim TDs (message).
What are the four types of instructions to be distributed under the Technical Directive System?
Change, interim change, bulletin, and rapid action minor engineering change (RAMEC).
A technical directive issued by message or message format letter that dictates urgent dissemination is known as what type of change?
Interim change.
An interim document that directs a onetime inspection to determine if a given condition exists is known as what type of technical directive?
A bulletin.
What is a rapid action minor engineering change (RAMEC)?
A message TD, which provides for quick action on minor changes that offer significant advantages to the operating forces.
What are the two methods of updating a technical directive?
An amendment and a revision.
Define a rescission.
The process by which TDs are removed from active files after requirements have been incorporated.
How long should an activity maintain a TD on file?
Until it is deleted from the NAVSUP 2002 index.
How are TDs cancelled?
By an amendment to the TD.
What activity assigns the numbers for changes and bulletins?
The Technical Directive Control Center at the Naval Air Technical Services Facility.
When an uncorrected, unsafe condition exists that could result in serious injury to personnel or damage or destruction of property, what category of TD is issued?
Immediate action TD.
What category of technical directive is issued to complete an action that, if uncorrected, could constitute a hazard through prolonged use?
Routine action TD.
What category of TD is used to confirm that a modification has been completely incorporated by the contractor or in-house activity in all accepted equipment?
Record purpose.
What division has overall management responsibility for the technical library?
The quality assurance division.
In an activity with more than one publications library, who is responsible for determining the activity’s publication needs?
The central technical publications library (CTPL).
When a central library has other technical libraries within the command, these libraries are known as what type of libraries?
Dispersed technical publications libraries (DTPL).
What list includes publications and directives of a general nature that have no application to a specific weapons system?
General Aeronautical Publications List.
What list includes publications and directives that apply to a specific weapons system or equipment?
The Aeronautical Publication by Weapons System List.
What is the purpose of the central technical publications library stamp?
The stamp identifies and numbers all controlled publications.
What form does the CTPL use to ensure that changes and revisions to publications are incorporated in a timely manner when issued to a dispersed library?
The Change Entry Certification Record (CECR).
How long are part 2 copies of the CECR maintained by the central librarian?
Until completion of the next quarterly audit.
To ensure their publications are current and in good material condition, the central library audits dispersed libraries at least how often?
What report is used to improve the quality and accuracy of technical publications?
Technical Publications Deficiency Report (TPDR).
What manual provides format and content of the information required in a technical publications deficiency report?
Naval Aviation Maintenance Program, OPNAVINST 4790.2c