Appendix E (2018) Flashcards
action taken code A
no repair required
action taken code C
action taken code D
work stoppage, IMA support
actoing taken code F
work request and assist MAF only
action taken code L
work stoppage awating parts
action taken code P
action taken code R
Remove and Replace
action taken code Y
action taken code Z
corrosion treatment
WUC 030
acceptance, transfer and conditional inspections
WUC 040
Corrosion Prevention
TD status code A
assisting work center
TD status code C
complied with
TD status code D
does not apply
TD status code P
previously complied with
TD status code Q
TD removal
TD status code W
Work in progress
type maintenance code B
unscheduled maintenance
type maintenance code D
Daily, turnaround, special inspection
type maintenance code E
acceptance adn transfer inspection
type maintenance code P
periodic maintenacne
type maintenance code S
conditional inspection
when discovered code B
before flight
when discovered code E
after flight/between flight
when discovered code G
acceptance/transfer inspection
when discovered code H
between flights
when discovered code J
daily inspection
when discovered code O
when discovered code R
QA inspection
when discovered code W
in-shop repair
when discovered code Y
withdrawal from supply (found bad from supply)