Public Affairs Manual: Chapter 2 - Media Relations Flashcards
What is the release of names policy?
Names of individuals rescued by the Coast Guard may be released before a case is closed. After a case is closed, requests for names must be submitted under the FOIA and Privacy Acts.
What type of information should you withhold?
Information that violates a person’s privacy, violates security, could hamper law enforcement or could interfere with judicial proceedings.
What types of releases is CG-0922 responsible for coordinating?
- National and international interest
- Potential controversy among the military services
- Policy of other federal agencies
- Statements on foreign and military policy
- Statements or info on non-military incidents
- Info on intelligence
- Commissioning, decommissioning, relocation or other major changes to Coast Guard units (after congressional notification)
May unit COs/OINCs embark or embed media without prior notification?
Yes. Visits by foreign nationals must be cleared through CG-001 and CG-2.
May unit COs/OINCs engage with national media?
It must be coordinated with CG-0922 for DHS OPA clearance.
Who carries out the public affairs program?
What are the different types of media?
- Wire services
- Television
- Radio
- Newspapers
- Magazines
- Reality TV and production companies
- Foreign media
- Internet and Intranet
How would you handle an interview request from a blogger?
Determine first if the blogger is viewed as an unbiased source of information and the site is a “news dissemination” site.
When does headquarters need to be notified for media embarks?
- Counter-narcotics and AMIO patrols
- Foreign media
- Where the Air Operations Manual states otherwise
- Reality TV shows, documentaries and motion pictures
Who decides on media pool members?
The media should be given the opportunity to decide. If they cannot, the PAO can make the decision.
Can media go aboard vessels being boarded?
Media may not go aboard vessels being boarded or on private property with boarding teams. They may film or shoot images from a Coast Guard vessel or public area.
What is libel?
Untrue or defamatory information that is written, printed or broadcast.
What is slander?
Spoken defamation
Describe the Privacy Act
The Privacy Act protects individuals from unwarranted invasions of privacy through release of certain types of information.
Where can you find guidance for FOIA requests?
The Privacy and Freedom of Information Acts Manual COMDTINST M5720.3
When must news releases about contracts or grants be made in Washington, D.C.
When the contract or grant is more than $1 million.
What must happen before general news releases about reductions in force and unit decommissionings?
Headquarters must notify appropriate members and committees in Congress.
What describes the interagency policies and procedures used to rapidly mobilize federal assets to prepare and deliver coordinated and sustained messages to the public in response to incidents of national significance and other major domestic emergencies?
DHS Emergency Support Function 15
What does AMVER stand for?
Automated Mutual Assistance Vessel Rescue
Who releases information in an accident involving other services?
The joint commander will issue the first release of information. Follow-on information will be coordinated through the joint commander.
Who releases names of victims in accidents involving other services?
The victim’s service.
What information may be released while deployed in theater?
In general terms, deployment numbers, mobilization and deployment timeframe and a general description of the unit’s generic equipment, mission and capabilities.
Where can you find general guidance for public information in response to spills?
The National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan (40 CFR Part 300)
Who is the sole release authority for official statement concerning federal cleanup actions?
The federal on-scene coordinator
What is the key to successful public affairs in pollution response?
Advance planning and rapid implementation
What should pollution response plans address?
- Release procedures to be followed
- Guidelines for unit personnel when dealing with reporters on scene
- Release procedures between district PAO and FOSC
- Coordination with other agencies
- The availability of PIAT
What is a non-military incident?
A situation which could adversely affect U.S. foreign relations or the safety of U.S. citizens abroad. (ie: hijackings, terrorism, requests for asylum, etc)
What statement should be included in all releases about counter-narcotics operations/seizures?
That the operation was a “coordinated federal effort,” and all participating agencies should be listed.
What info will generally be included in seizure releases?
- Seizure/arrest was made
- Name and homeport of seizing vessel
- Name, flag, description of seized vessel/aircraft
- Date, time and general location of seizure
- List of all agencies
- If resistance/pursuit was involved
- Number and nationality of prisoners
- Type and estimated amount of narcotics
- Destination and ETA for seized vessel and escort
- Future plans
- Action taken to stop fleeing vessel and process of approval
- Coordinate with U.S. Attorney for release of video
What is the public affairs policy for fisheries catch and net seizures?
The Coast Guard will issue a news release for every catch or net seizure made.
What is a good reference for PA offices handing a UCMJ case?
The publication Media Relations in High Visibility Court Martial Cases, A Practical Guide.
What is the primary purpose of a news briefing?
To release information that cannot be released by conventional means.
Who normally opens a news briefing? How?
- Summary of past events
- Most recent info available
- Background info on mission area
- Introduce primary spokesperson
Is it appropriate to ask for questions before a news briefing?
Not normally. Only if the subject is highly technical and/or answers require significant research.
What is the difference between a media briefing, news briefing and a news conference?
A media briefing describes both.
A news briefing is for a single news event and questions will be tied to that event.
A news conference is open forum and media may ask any questions on any topic.
What should be included in a news briefing script?
- News lead coupled with key message
- Key messages
- Potential Q&As: 5 best and 5 worst
- Get script approved
What should be done before a media briefing?
- Arrive early to check space, materials
- Have someone record briefing for AAR
- ID someone to take down unanswered questions
What are the 3 basic types of questions you may get during a media briefing?
- Focus
- Avoidance
- Factual
What is a focus question?
It allows you to expand on your point and re-emphasize your key messages (Ie: bring us up to date. What are you trying to accomplish? Anything to add?)
What is a factual question?
Requests for factual data?
What type of questions account for 90% of questions asked during most media briefings?
What are avoidance questions?
Questions you would like not to answer. You must still respond.
What are some types of avoidance questions?
- Needling (you expect us to believe that?)
- False Fact
- Reinterpretation of your message
- Putting words in your mouth
- False conclusion
- Hypothetical
- Baiting you into accusations
How can you gain “think time” during a media briefing?
By repeating the question back to the reporter or asking them to repeat it
How can you maintain control during a media briefing?
Maintain your own pace and be patient
What are the steps in a media briefing?
-Began on time.
-Greet audience
-State purpose
-State ground rules
-Give opening statement, including
news lead of the event as a sound
bite with key message or theme.
Where should the first release about an accident involving the Coast Guard be made?
By the local command at the unit level
When can you release info about CG response to an accident involving another service?
After that service releases first info. Only release what the CG did. Do not elaborate on incident.
Should you release the type of aircraft or vessel or exact location of another service’s accident?
In joint mission releases, if media asks one service about activities of another, who should the question be referred to?
Joint commander
In a military mishap, who makes the first announcement?
The parent service. If not available, other involved services may assist media.