Pube/Innominate/Sacrum Dx Flashcards
Left lateralization, left base is shallow/posterior with restricted movement, left ILA is S/A with good movement, positive backward bending test, positive spring test
left unilateral sacral extension
Right lateralization, right base is shallow/posterior with restricted movement, right ILA is S/A with good movement, positive backward bending test, positive spring test
right unilateral sacral extension
Right lateralization, right base is deep/anterior with good movement, right ILA is P/I with restricted movement, negative spring test
right unilateral sacral flexion
L5 rotated right, right ILA is P/I with restricted movement, left base is deep/anterior with good movement, lateralization to the left, negative spring test
right rotation around right oblique axis with maladapted L5
Right lateralization, right base is shallow/posterior with restricted movement, right ILA is P with poor movement, positive backward bending test, positive spring test
right sacral margin posterior
Left lateralization, left base is deep/anterior with good movement, left ILA is P/I with restricted movement, negative spring test
left unilateral sacral flexion
L5 rotated left, left ILA is A/S with good movement, right base is shallow/posterior with restricted movement, lateralization to the right, positive spring test, positive backward bending test
right on left sacral torsion, backward torsion
L5 rotated left, right ILA is P/I with restricted movement, left base is deep/anterior with good movement, lateralization to the left, negative spring test
right on right sacral torsion, forward torsion
Equal lateralization, both have anterior/deep bases with good movement, bilateral ILAs are restricted and posterior, negative spring test
bilateral sacral flexion
Equal lateralization, both have posterior/shallow bases with restricted movement, bilateral ILAs are anterior with good movement, positive spring test
bilateral sacral extension
L5 rotated right, left ILA is P/I with restricted movement, right base is deep/anterior with good movement, lateralization to the right, negative spring test
left on left sacral torsion, forward torsion
L5 rotated right, right ILA is A/S with good movement, left base is shallow/posterior with restricted movement, lateralization to the left, positive spring test, positive backward bending test
left on right sacral torsion, backward torsion
L5 rotated right, left ILA is A/S with good movement, right base is shallow/posterior with restricted movement, lateralization to the right, positive spring test, positive backward bending test
right rotation around left oblique axis with maladapted L5
L5 rotated left, right ILA is A/S with good movement, left base is shallow/posterior with restricted movement, lateralization to the left, positive spring test, positive backward bending test
left rotation around right oblique axis with maladapted L5
L5 rotated left, left ILA is P/I with restricted movement, right base is deep/anterior with good movement, lateralization to the right, negative spring test
left rotation around left oblique axis with maladapted L5
Left lateralization, left base is shallow/posterior with restricted movement, left ILA is P with poor movement, positive backward bending test, positive spring test
left sacral margin posterior
During gait the innominates rotate in ____ directions of each other around a ____ axis through the ____ joints.
opposite, transverse, sacro-iliac (SI)
Posterior rotation normally occurs with hip ____ while anterior rotation normally occurs with hip _____.
flexion (hamstrings lengthened and tighter)
extension (quadriceps lengthened and tighter)
Complaints may include sacroiliac pain, ipsilateral hamstring tightness and spasm, and sciatica. Tissue texture changes may be found at the ipsilateral inferior lateral angle of the sacrum. Iliolumbar ligament tightness. Dysfunction?
anteriorly rotated innominate
Complaints may include sacroiliac, inguinal or groin pain secondary to rectus femoris dysfunction. Medial knee pain secondary to sartorius dysfunction. Anterior knee pain due to rectus femoris tension. Tissue texture changes at the ipsilateral sacral sulcus. Inguinal ligament tenderness. Dysfunction?
posteriorly rotated innominate
Complaints may include sacroiliac or pelvic pain. Tissue texture changes at the ipsilateral sacroiliac joint. Tissue texture findings at the ipsilateral pubes.
innominate shears
An entire innominate has shifted superiorly or inferiorly without rotation relative to the sacrum. Small amount of S/I glide occurs with hip abduction or adduction. The dysfunction is found on the side of the positive standing flexion test or ASIS compression.
innominate shears (subluxation)
An entire innominate is rotated medially or laterally around a vertical axis relative to the sacrum. ____ occurs with internal rotation of the hip. ____ occurs with external rotation of the hip.
Complaints may include pelvic pain or sacroiliac pain. Muscular tension found with palpation. Dysfunction?
innominate flares
One pube is displaced superior or inferior relative to the other pube. The ASIS and the PSIS appear equal. Dx?
vertical pubic shears
One pube is displaced anterior or posterior relative to the other pube. The ASIS and PSIS appear equal. Dx?
anterior or posterior pubic shears
Both pubic rami are displaced medially. ASIS, PSIS, IC, and IT may appear equal. Tenderness bilat. Dx?
pubic symphysis compression