PTSD Flashcards
Acute stress reaction
transient condition (hrs to days). Immediate dissociation followed by mixed emotions including anxiety, anger and confusion. Usually resolves without psychiatric intervention.
develops after an exceptionally stressful, life threatening or catastrophic event or situation. There is often denial or suppression of memory of the event. Intentional acts of violence are more likely to cause PTSD.
Symptoms of PTSD
re experiencing the event in nightmares or flashbacks often precipitating anxiety or panic attacks, avoidance of things associated with the event, hyper vigilance, sleep disturbance and poor concentration. Depression, emotional numbing or drug, alcohol abuse and anger are often comorbid.
PTSD symptoms in children
re experiencing symptoms may take the form of re enacting the experience, repetitive player frightening dreams.
Types of trauma
Type 1- single incident trauma
Type 2- complex repetitive trauma
tonic immobility
involuntary state of profound but reversible motor inhibition- 1/3-2/3 of sexual assault cases
Stress response
acute stress leads to dose dependent increase in catecholamines and cortisol
are cortisol levels high or low in PTSD
PTSD diagnostic criteria
traumatic events intrusive symptoms- 1 or more avoidance symptoms- 3 or more increased arousal- 2 or more Duration 1 month Distress and impairment on social or occupational functioning acute/chronic delayed onset
Intrusive phenomena
recurrent distressing recollections, nightmares, physiological reactions
Avoidance- avoidance of thinking/talking about event or reminders eg people places activities
Amnesia of important aspect of trauma, loss of interest in activities, detachment, emotional numbing, sense of foreshortened future
Hyperarousal symptoms
sleep disturbance irritability/ anger concentration difficulties hypervigilance exaggerated startle response
associated symptoms
dissociative symptoms- depersonalisation, derealisation, awareness of surroundings, near death or out of body experiences
Survivor guilt- performance guilt
additional symptoms
Criterion D- negative alterations in cognition and mood associated with traumatic events beginning or worsening after the traumatic event(s)
Criterion E- marked alterations in arousal and reactivity associated with the TE
reckless or self destructive behaviour
Complex PTSD
cognitive disturbances- low self esteem, self blame, hopelessness
mood disturbances, somatisation, identity disturbance, emotional dysregulation, chronic interpersonal difficulties, dissociation, tension reduction activities, binge purging, self mutilation etc
Treatment aims
normalise reactions, enable catharsis, inspire hope, restore sense of safety and or trust, treat core symptoms and co morbidity
CBT or EMDR (eye movement desensitisation and reprogramming) - treatment should be long enough and regular enough with the same therapist- extend beyond 12 sessions if complex
Treatment if patient does not respond to psychological treatment
non specialist- paroxetine or mirtazipine
specialist- amytryptyline or phenelzine