Personality disorders Flashcards
Personality def
cluster of relatively predictable patterns of thinking, feeling behaviour that is generally consistent across time, space and context.
Generally a multi dimensional spectrum
Personality disorder
long lasting rigid patterns of thought, affect and behaviour. The attitudes of people with a disorder usually exaggerate part of their personality and result in behaviour at odds with normal expectation.
Criteria for personality disorder
- Markedly disharmonious attitudes and behaviour involving usually several areas of functioning eg affectivity, arousal impulse control, relationships.
- Prevailing, chronic abnormal behaviour patterns
- Present in a broad range of personal and social situations
- Manifestations appear <18yrs and continue into adulthood
- Considerable personal distress caused by these patterns of disorder
- Associated with significant problems in occupational and social performance
Type A personality disorders
Odd or eccentric- Paranoid, schizoid
Paranoid PD
male, suspicious preoccupied with conspiratorial explanations, distrusts others, holds grudges
Schizoid PD
male, emotionally cold, lacks interest in others, rich fantasy world, excessive introspection
Type B personality disorders
dramatic or emotional- dissocial, EUPD, histrionic, Narcissitic
Dissocial (antisocial PD)
male, aggressive, easily frustrated, callous lack of concern for others, irresponsible, impulsive, unable to maintain relationships, criminal activity, lack of guilt, contact disorder
Emotional unstable PD
Borderline- feeling of emptiness, unclear identity, intense and unstable relationships, unpredictable affect, threats or acts of self harm, impulsivity, pseudo hallucinations
Impulsive- Inability to control anger or plan, unpredictable affect and behaviour
Histrionic PD
Overdramatise, self centred, shallow affects labile mood, seeks attention and excitement, manipulative behaviour, seductive
high self importance, lacks empathy, takes advantage, grandiose, needs admiration
Type C personality disorders
anxious or avoidant- anakastic, anxious, dependent
male- obsessive compulsive
worries and doubts, orderliness and control, sensitvie to criticism, rigidity, indecisiveness, pedantry judgemental
extremely anxious and tense, self conscious, insecure, fearful of negative evaluation by others, timid, desire to be liked
passive, clingy, submissive, excess need for care, feels helpless when not in a relationship, feels hopeless and incompetent
co morbid mental illness high
treat individual, reflect goals, help manage crisis, DBT
poor as higher rates or morbidity and mortality (due to suicide)