Psychopathy Flashcards
______________________ Spells out in detail the criteria that a clinician would use to see if a person meets the criteria for any specific condition.
_________________ is a cloud of personality characteristics that meets 80% of adult prison inmates.
Antisocial personality disorder
Psychological assessments are based on a clinicians _________________.
The _______________________ for Antisocial Personality disorder is the disregard and violation of the rights of other people from early childhood, little guilt, untruthfulness, and risk-taking.
Pervasive Pattern
What are some criteria for Antisocial Personality Disorder?
Repeatedly engaging in criminal acts, deceitfulness, impulsivity, irritability, reckless behaviours, irresponsibility, and lack of remorse.
___ in ___ people meet the requirements for a psychopath, ___% being male.
1 in 200, 80%
___-___% of adult offenders in prison meet the requirements for psychopathy.
From a _______________ lens, psychopaths display intelligence and charm and realtively no anxiety.
From a ______________________ lens, psychopaths display a lack of remorse, and lying.
From a ______________________ lens, psychopaths display antisocial behavior, no life planning
Behavioural problems
The two factors of the psychopathy achecklist-revised are ______________ and ______________.
Interpersonal affective and antisocial.
A score of ___ on the PCL-R is the cutoff for psychopathy (e.g. 30 or more is determined a psychopath).
The __________ facet of the PCL-R under the ___________ factor has the criteria of glibness, superficial charm, grandiose sense of self, pathlogical lying, and manipulation.
First, first
The __________ facet of the PCL-R under the ___________ factor has the criteria of lack of remorse, shallowness, lack of empthy, and failure to accept responsibility of actions.
Second, first
The __________ facet of the PCL-R under the ___________ factor has the criteria of need for stimulation, prone to boredom, lack of realistic long-term goals, impulsivity, and irresponsible.
Third, Second
The __________ facet of the PCL-R under the ___________ factor has the criteria of poor behaviour controls, early behaviour problems, juvenile delinquency, etc.
Second, fourth
The _____________ is a measurement tool that measures fearless dominance, self-centred impulsivity, and cold-heartedness (emotional deficits).
The _________________ is a measurement tool that measures arrogance, deceitful interpersonal style, deficient affective experience, Impulsiveness, and irresponsibility
Three factor model
The ______________ is a measurement tool that measures…
- Boldness: fearlessness, dominance, lack of
anxiety - Meanness: Callousness, manipulative,
emotional detachment - Disinhibition**: Impulsivity, poor
behavioural control, low frustration
Tri-PM (Triarchic model)
What are the three measures of the Tri-PM (Triarchic model)?
Boldness, meanness, and disinhibition.
The __________________ is the housing for things like planning, inhibiting behaviours, monitoring what we’re doing, and reasoning,
Prefrontal cortex
In people with psychopathy, the prefrontal cortex is underdeveloped. True or false?
In people with psychopathy the autonomic nervous system seems under aroused. True or false?
People with psychopathy engage in _____________ activities so that their autonomic nervous system is at a comfortable level.
Thrill seeking
Psychopaths have difficulty learning through __________________.
_________________ is the theory that when a person has psychopathy, their amygdala is not functioning.
Amygdala dysfunction theory
An offender with psychopathy start their criminal career at a younger age. This has to do with __________________.
Psychopaths start their behaviours young and persist they longer in comparison to non-psychopathic offenders. This has to do with _________________.
Duration of criminal career.
Psychopaths typically commit a wide variety of offences. This has to do with the __________________.
Variety of offences
Violent offenders with psychopathy commit more violent offences than people with no psychopathy. True or false?
People with high PCL-R scores have a low likelihood of a violent offence. True or false?
False. It’s very high.
High PCL-R score offenders have a higher chance of reoffending within 5 years of being released. True or false?
The victims of psychopathic offenders are usually _____________.
Psychopathic offender’s violence is _________________ (cold, calculated, planned out).
Non-Psychopathic offender’s violence is ________________.
____________________ offenders as psychopaths affects how harshly jurors will punish the offender.
__________________ means that a party in a legal proceeding may create a bias that influences the expert’s thoughts, feelings, and behaviour in favour of the retaining or affiliated party.
Adversarial allegiance
Factor 1 traits seem to stay the same as psychopaths age, and factor 2 traits don’t. True or false?
_____________________ is looking at the same people as they get older.
Longitudinal study
_____________________ is looking at people right now (e.g. psychopaths).
Cross-sectional study
The focus of cognitive behavioural therapy is to _______________________.
Change thinking patterns
The __________ change the psychopaths come out of therapy (CBT) with, the ___________ likely they are to be convicted for new crimes.
More, less
Is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy effective?
The key issue for psychopathic treatment is the _____________ of the treatment program.
Effective treatment for psychopathy needs to focus on ___________________.
Thought patterns