Psychology Unit 4 ch 14 Vocab: Flashcards
an indiviudual’s intrinsic characteristics of acting, thinking, and feeling
(Freud) unconscious motives and conflicts drive the thoughts and actions of a person, making up their personality;
first to seek clinical attention to unconscious mind and attempt to treat disorders withsuch discoveries
id (unconscious energy)
Operates on PLEASURE principle; unconsciously strives to satisfy basic drives to SURVIVAL, reproduce, and aggress
ego (peace between super and id; both)
Operates on REALITY principle; seeks to realistically GRATIFY id’s IMPULSES to bring LONG-TERM pleasure; contains PERCEPTIONS, THOUGHTS, MEMORIES, JUDGEMENTS
PROTECTION from reality and anxious stimuli
superego (internalized ideals)
Focuses on ideal behavior; strives for PERFECTION; acts as MORAL conscious
defense mechanisms:
ego’s protective methods
- reduce anxiety
- distort reality
incorporating parents’ values into your own superego
to have unresolved, lingering energies on a previous psychosexual stage
umbrella for all defense mechanisms; withoolds from conscious
retreat to earlier developmental stage
reaction formation
opposite reactions
attribution to others from inward feelings
shift feelings to someone/thing less threatening; one person to another
distorts reality; euphamism
refusal to believe
projective test vs TAT
stimuli (ex blotting) vs stories for repression
collective unconscious
shared, inherited resivoir of memory tracing our species history
not totally aware, but still accessible
false consensus effect
oversestimate something others do
self actualization
the motivation to one’s full potential; basic needs and self esteem must be met first
unconditonal positive regard
attitude of total acceptance towards others
self concept
our thoughts and feelings about ourselves; “who am I”; identity
self esteem
one’s feelings of high and low self worth; values yourself as a person
defense = bad
self efficacy
sense of competance and effectiveness
a characteristic pattern of behvior or a disposition to feel and act;
Myers’ Briggs measures
predispositions and stability in personality
factor analysis
looks at cluters to identify personality traits
Eysenck Personality Questionnaire-
extraversion and emotionality factors inevitably emerged as basic personality dimensions
introverted people often simply seek low levels of stimulation from their environment.
unconscious; childhood
self growth
cognitive social perspective
traits and context interaction
***reciprocal determination
interaction/influences of behavior, cognition, and envrionement
- differing environments
- personalities determine our rxn to events
- personalities shape situations
Excessive optimism
May lead to complacency
May prevent recognition of real risks
May be self-defeating when dealing with temptations
May be directed toward group (illusionary optimism)
spotlight effect
ovestimate ppl judging us
making sure we are not overconfident and still cannot complete the task at hand
self-serving bias
perceiving onself in a favorable light
“better than others”