Psychology of Victims Flashcards
Measuring Victimization:
Both UCR and NCVS provide good estimates but they tap d__ things.
National Crime Victimization Study (NCVS) measures both r__ and u__ victimization
Uniform Crime Rates (UCR) is designed to give feedback to l__ e__ (submitted to FBI by law enforcement agencies) - the NCVS is a s__
reported, unreported
law enforcement, supplement
Reporting Rates:
Crimes are un__.
2002 - __% of violent crimes and __% of property crimes were reported.
Crimes against __ more likely to be reported than crimes against __.
49, 40
women, men
Levels of Victimization:
2002: __ million victimizations
Violent crime: 7.4 million (2011: 5.8 million)
Rape - 1.5 per 1000 persons (.9 per 1000)
-6.9/1000 involved an offender with a weapon (4.6/1000)
Property crime: 18.5 million (17.1 million)
Murders: 15,980 in 2001
Most victims (__%) and offenders (__%) are m__.
Most (__%) know their killer
Majority (__%) involved a firearm.
75, 90, male
No statistically significant change occurred in the rate of v__ crime from 2014 (. victimizations per 1,000) to 2015 (. per 1,000).
No statistically significant change was detected in the percentages of violent crime r__ to police from 2014 (__%) to 2015 (__%).
The rate of p__ crime decreased from __ victimizations per 1,000 households in 2014 to __ per 1,000 in 2015.
violent, 20.1, 18.6
reported, 46, 47
property, 118, 110
In 2015, .% of all persons age __ or older (2.7 million persons) experienced at least one v__ victimization.
The prevalence rate of violent victimization declined from .% of all persons age 12 or older in __ to .% in __.
- 98, 12, violent
1. 11, 2014, 0.98, 2015
‘Hate Crime’ Defined:
The Hate Crime Statistics Act defines hate crimes as those “that manifest evidence of p__ based on r__, g__ or gender i__, re__, di__, se__ orientation, or et__.”
prejudice, race, gender, identity, religion, disability, sexual, ethnicity
Hate Crimes and Victimization:
The case of Ma__ Sh__:
Beaten with a r__ and left for dead tied to a f__ post.
F__-f__ states now have hate crime laws.
What does this do beyond charging someone for m__?
matthew, shepard
revolver, fence
Sexual Harassment:
Term didn’t exist until __
Estimates of incidence are usually from s__:
20,000 federal employees: __%
Female lawyers in large law firms: __%
Female graduate students: __%
Defining Sexual Harassment:
Civil Rights Act of __, Title V_
Provides legal basis of o__ it.
Lots of c__ and d__ about what constitutes sexual harassment.
United States Eq__ Em__ Op__ Co__ (EEOC)
-Major force in d__ and e__
1965, V11, outlawing
confusion, debate
equal employment opportunity commission
definition, enforcement
EEOC Definition of Sexual Harassment:
Un__ sexual a__, ve__ or ph__ conduct when:
-Acceptance is co__/te__ of e__.
~Either i__ of e__.
-Su__ is used to make employment de__.
-It reasonably in__ with work, or creates in__, ho__ or of__ work environment.
~Whether this is the i__ or not.
unwelcome, advances, verbal, physical
condition/term, employment
implicit, explicit
submission, decisions
interferes, intimidating, hostile, offensive
Sexual Harassment: What Do the Courts Say?
Two types:
Qu__ pr_ qu_: Sexual de__ in exchange for employment be__.
-Sexual co__.
Ho\_\_ wo\_\_ harassment: -Includes both g\_\_ harassment and un\_\_ attention. ~Focus is on how harassment affects w\_\_. ~Fr\_\_ and se\_\_ are taken into account. ~Is\_\_ incidents do not qualify
quid pro quo, demands, benefits
hostile workplace gender, unwanted workplace frequency, severity isolated
Sexual Harassment: Psychological Contribution
Focus on p__ when it will o__
- Pryor and colleagues:
Some men are more l__ to harass than others:
-High scores on L__ to Se__ Ha__ scale are associated with:
~More acceptance of myths about r__.
~More co__ sexual fantasies
~More st__ beliefs about ma__ sex roles
~Strong needs to do__ women and seek se__ contact.
predicting, occur
likelihood, sexually, harass rape coercive stereotypical, male dominate, sexual
Sexual Harassment: Environments also impact
Some en__ make sexual harassment more li__ to occur.
-Affect n__ about appropriate b__.
~i.e. Se__ oriented entertainment at of__ parties or fu__.
~Pl__ hanging on fa__walls.
-In general, environments that encourage ob__ of women or pr__ sexual harassment motives.
~Men who are already pr__ to do so are more likely to a__ o__ in these places.
environments, likely
norms, behavior
sexually, office, functions
playboys, factory
objectification, prime
predisposed, act out
Battered Women:
Incidence of battery: Walker, 1992
/ - / of American women are a__ at some point.
Domestic violence is as likely to be f__ on m__ as m__ on f__.
-Men inflict more d__ though.
Women are . times more likely to be killed by their p__ than by a s__.
1/2, 1/3, abused
female, male
male, female
3.7, partner, stranger
Myths about battered women:
They’re ma__
They pr__ assaults
They get what they de__
They’re free to le__ at any time
Violence isn’t that co__
Men who are not violent with ot__ aren’t violent with their sp__ either
Only a low S _ _/mi__ problem
They’re pa__, never try to de__themselves
Clear majority of adults subscribe to s__ and / endorse mo__!
others, spouses
passive, defend
some, 1/3, most
Cycle of Violence:
Early on batterers are at__, lo__.
Te__ building phase:
Di__ or di__ occurs
-Increased cr__ of partner
-Sometimes m__ physical assault.
Ac__ battering incident:
S__ abuse
Co__ Phase: Ap__ for attack, promises to re__
attentive, loving
disappointment, disagreement
apologizes, reform
Perceptions of Victims:
Often met with deep un__, or even ho__.
Seen as do__, “de__ al__”.
Often ch__ with, and found gu__ of, s__ crimes if they re__.
- Only a small minority k__ their mates
- If tried most claim either in__ or se__-de__.
uneasiness, hostility
doormats, delusional alarmists
charged, guilty, serious, retaliate
insanity, self-defense
Battered Woman Syndrome:
Collection of symptoms and reactions
- Sense of learned he__
- Increasing do__ by batterer - socially is__ and economically de__.
More and more fe__.
-Most believe that batterer will eventually k__ them.
Shattered S__ E__, gu__, sh__, ra__, re__.
Finally, hy__
-Notice su__ things that signal upcoming vi__.
domination, isolated, dependent
fearful, kill
self esteem, guilt, shame, rage, resentment
hypervigilance, subtle, violence
Killing: Is it a good defense?
Without a doubt, _!
-Most women who kill abusive partners are co__.
-Hard to make s__-d__ claim
~Typically requires an immediate ph__ threat
~At time of killing, many batterers are un__, or even as__.
unarmed, asleep
Child Abuse:
Hard to estimate incidence:
Some claim / - / of all women and / of all men were sexually abused before __.
1/5 children experience an i__ as a result of abuse
__ children die as a result of abuse each year - __% of them are killed by their parents
1/3, 1/5, 1/7, 18
1500, 80
Consequences of Child Abuse:
Di\_\_effects (sh\_\_ term): -Abused children experience increased m\_\_ and an\_\_ disorders. -Inappropriate se\_\_ behavior -Impaired sc\_\_ performance
L\_\_ term effects: Abused children are more likely to: -Develop m\_\_ disorders -Suffer su\_\_ victimization -Engage in cr\_\_ conduct as ad\_\_
direct, short
mood, anxiety
criminal, adults
Psychology of Rape:
As with battered women, myths abound:
- Women cannot be raped against their w__.
- Women secretly w__ to be raped.
- Most accusations of rape are f__.
Due to the o_-on-o_ nature of the event and the confusion about how it’s de__, the victim is subject to great sc__.
one-one, defined, scrutiny
Incidence of rape:
US has highest in in__ world
-__ - __ for every 100,000 females.
In addition, these are probably only a s__ portion of the rapes that actually occur - they are often un__.
-Maybe as low as / or / of total
Go unreported for a v__ of reasons
Y__ are more likely to be victims
small, unreported
1/5, 1/10
Effects for Victims:
Ra__ Tr__ Syndrome
Em__ responses:
-Fe__, gu__, sh__, bl__, loss of au__ and control over bo__, lack of tr__.
Disturbance in Fu__:
-Changes in sl__ and ea__ patterns, social wi__, problems in se__ functioning.
Changes in li__:
-Obsessive ch__ behavior, major li__ changes, more likely to lose j__ or in__, and get di__.
rape trauma
fear, guilt, shame, blaming, autonomy, body, trust
sleeping, eating, withdrawal, sexual
checking, life, job, income, divorced
Legislation and Court Decisions:
Basic Definition: N__-co__ se__ contact by fo__ or co__.
Until 1\_\_’s: - _/_ states imposed resistance standard ~If vi\_\_ didn’t reasonably re\_\_, it wasn’t ra\_\_. ~Didn’t distinguish different de\_\_. ~States didn’t recognize sp\_\_ rape.
non-consenting, sexual, force, coercion
1980's 4/5 victim, resist, rape degrees spousal
Rape Sh__ Laws:
Provide victims with more pr__.
- A__ states have them
- Typically prohibit inquiries about defendants sexual p__ except for s__ circumstances
In reality, rape victims are still subjected to intense sc__ by la__, ju__ and ju__.
past, special
scrutiny, lawyers, judges, jurors
Effect of Victim’s Past Sexual History:
Studied rape laws and developed a study to test whether what some jurisdictions classified as prejudicial really was.
_ _: Type of I__ presented about v__.
_ _: Co__ of de__
Results: R__ states were right - mock jurors were less likely to convict when they heard evidence about p__ sexual history
IV, info, victim
DV, conviction, defendant
restrictive, past
Jurors’ reactions to rape victims:
Mock jurors who are low in em__ for rape victims rate attacker less re__.
Also tend to in__ facts differently
empathy, responsible
Acquaintance Rape:
/ of rape are committed by someone the victim kn__.
-Least likely to be re__.
Differ from st__ assault
- Tend to occur on we__, late in ev__.
- Tend to involve situations in which the victim or attacker have been using d__ and a__
- Less likely to involve we__ - attackers rely on ve__ threats and ph__ prowess.
- Also associated with dates in re__ locations, or when male pa__ all expenses
3/4, knows
stranger weekends, evening drugs, alcohol weapons, verbal, physical remote, paid
Post-victimization Disorders
Ac__ Str__ Disorder:
Di__ syptoms:
-Sense of nu__, de__, absence of em__, reduction of aw__.
- Persistent r_-e__ of tr__ event.
- An__ and/or increased ar__.
-Impairment of ability to co__ necessary tasks
Lasts _ days to _ weeks after event.
acute stress
dissociative, numbing, detachment, emotion, awareness
re-experience, traumatic
anxiety, arousal
complete, 2, 4
Post-victimization Disorders
Po__ Tr__ Stress Disorder
May experience intense gu__ from su__ when others did n__.
Phobic av__ of situations that resemble or symbolize original tr__.
Impaired affect mo__.
Feelings of ho__, de__, ho__.
Increased risk of ph__: So__, ob__ compulsive disorder, ag__, su__ related disorders.
post traumatic
guilt, surviving, not
avoidance, trauma
hopelessness, despair, hostility
phobia, social, obsessive, agoraphobia, substance
“Contributing” Disorders to Violence:
A__ S__ P__ D__
Bo__ Personality Disorder (up to __% of batterers display some symptoms – Dutton, 2000)
anti social personality disorder
borderline, 40