Evaluation of Criminal Suspects Flashcards
Profiling of Criminal Suspects:
Aka: Cr__ In__ Analysis
A general psychological de__ of the most likely “ty__” of suspect
Used to fo__ an investigation
criminal investigative analysis
description, type
6 Steps in Criminal Profiling:
- Profiling in__:
Ph__ evidence, crime scene ph__, au__ report, victim in__, po__ reports - De__ process model:
What ty__ of crime, what mo__, ri__ (both victim and assailant), cr__ location, bo__ location, length of ti__ of crime - Crime as__
-Reconstruct be__ of vi__ and at__
~Or__ or di__
~Int__/pla__ vs imp__/psy__
~Attempts to mis__
physical, photos, autopsy, info, police
type, motive, risk, crime, body, time
assessment behavior, victim, attacker organized, disorganized intelligence/planning vs. impulsivity/psychotic mislead
6 Steps in Criminal Profiling:
- Cr__ profile
- Formulate initial de__
- Check against data gathered in step _. - In__
- Provide re__
- Re__ as necessary - Ap__
- Va__ profile and a__ knowledge to de__ pr__ model (step _)
validate, add, decision process, 2
Criminal Profiling:
Kn__ about cr__ behavior can’t hurt.
Care must be taken not to rely too he__ on pr__ only.
Evidence is mi__ and much more work must be do__.
Sk__ is key!!!
knowledge, criminal
heavily, profile
mixed, done
Profile Gone Wrong!
29 child victims around A__
Different “signatures” indicated a lack of co__ or pa__.
Detlinger suggested the pattern was ge__- no one listened.
Initial profile: w__ male in 30s-40s.
Question: How could a w__ male circulate in an all B__ community and go un__?
Atlanta, connections, patterns
white, black, unnoticed
Lie Detection:
Non-mechanical techniques
-Channels of co__: wo__, fa__, bo__, vo__.
Research on am__ lie detection: no better than ch__.
- “Ex__” no better than the rest of u_.
- Most rely on st__ signals that are in__.
Illusion of tr__: we think our in__ states are more evident to ot__ than they ac__ are
words, face, body, voice
amateur, chance
experts, us
stereotypical, incorrect
transparency, inner, others, actually
The Polygraph:
A mechanical instrument that records ph__ ar__ from multiple channels.
-Assumes that when people l__, they do so in me__ ways.
Three main channels of measurement:
- Bl__ volume and pu__ rate
- Re__ rate and depth
- Sk__ conductance
Measures ph__ ar__, nothing else!
physiological arousal
lie, measurable
blood, pulse
physiological arousal
Polygraph Procedures:
Re__/ir__ procedure
Problem: merely being a su__ will evoke “gu__” pattern
Co__ question test
Ask about cr__ as well as “kn__ lies” which only the in__ will be aroused by.
Di__ lie test
Suspect asked to lie for ce__ questions to establish a “lie re__” pattern
Gu__ knowledge test
Detects not l__ but “things only the cr__ would know”
suspect, guilty
crime, known, innocent
directed, certain, response
lies, criminal
Problems with the Polygraph:
Who knows the “c__” answers?
-No gr__ truth
Rate of false positives: __-__%
Rate of false negatives: __.__-__%
-L__ studies do not have the same im__ to participants
National Research Council (2003) flatly declared the polygraph b__ science.
lab, importance
Legal Status of the Polygraph:
Generally NOT ad__
Fails the F__ standard (not generally ac__ in the sc__ community)
If b__ sides agree to use of the polygraph results as ev__, it is admissible in __ states
New wave in lie-detection: br__ and vo__ measures
admissible, Frye, accepted, scientific
both, evidence, 20
brain, voice
A Harvard Symposium (2007):
One study, done at Temple University in 2004, found that lying activated __ as many areas of the brain as telling the truth did.
No Lie MRI Inc., is already marketing the f_ _ _ as a new-wave polygraph, and has one testing center in C__.
fMRI, California
Downsides to fMRi for polygraph:
Studies also don’t take into account known co__ for defeating the fMRI, like performing mental ar__ - or simply fi__ (as little as _mm of movement can play havoc with results).
The ne__ circuitry highlighted in fMRI imaging can be altered by a subject’s em__ and even mental im__ (Phelps)
According to No Lie, measures _NS rather than _NS arousal.
Ar__ is still being measured, not de__.
countermeasures, arithmetic, fidgeting, 3
neural, emotions, imagery
arousal, deception
Closing Thoughts on Lie Detection:
Vo__ stress analysis has as ma__ or mo__ detractors than polygraphs.
Best use of polygraph: as a p__ in the e__ investigation stages
voice, many, more
prop, early
Meta-analysis of Deception Detection Studies:
It turns out that the average person is only m__ good at detecting deception and that e__ do not seem to be much b__.
In a recent meta-analysis, researchers looked at over 200 studies that had tested the ability of almost 25,000 people to detect deception (Bond & DePaulo, 2006).
moderately, expert, better
Interrogation Techniques and the More Subtle “Rubber Hose”:
1) Confront suspect with gu__
2) Develop “themes” that ju__/ex__ crime
3) In__ statements of denial/innocence
4) Ov__ objections to charges
5) Keep suspect from tu__ ou_
6) Show sy__ and un__
7) Offer suspect “fa_-sa__” explanation
8) Get suspect to recount de__ of the cr__.
9) Convert st__ to wr__ confession
Dr. Richard Leo (1996) found that detectives use an average of _ to _ of these tactics per suspect over an observational study of 186 video taped interrogations.
tuning out
sympathy, understanding
details, crime
statement, written
5, 6
In the case of People v. Muratalla, Dr. Richard Leo suggested that the defendant’s co__ to search may have been given as the result of improper police qu__ techniques.
The Court of Appeals decision stated that “Leo opined that threatening to ar__ a suspect’s girlfriend or to have the suspect’s child re__ in order to gain access to the suspect’s residence would qualify as co__ threats.
consent, questioning
arrest, removed, coercive
Elements that should be given careful consideration:
- The suspect’s co__ at the time of the interrogation
a. Ph__ condition (including dr__/al__ intoxication)
b. Me__capacity
c. Ps__ condition - The suspects a__
- The suspect’s prior experience with l__ en__
- The suspect’s understanding of the la__
- The le__ of the interrogation
- The degree of de__ provided by the suspect in his confession
- The extent of cor__ between the con__ and the cr__
- The presence of wit__ to the interrogation and confession
- The suspect’s be__ during the interrogation
- The effort to address the suspect’s physical ne__.
- The presence of any im__ interrogation techniques
physical, drug/alcohol
law enforcement
corroboration, confession, crime
Are Confessions Important to Juries?
Kassin & Neumann (1997)
Ss read case with a co__, ey__testimony, and ch__ testimony presented in random order.
Ss gave gu__ judgments on a response dial at certain points in the trial.
Responses after the confession evidence were __.
Confession evidence has stronger impact on jurors than ey__ or ch__ testimony; more likely to find defendant g__.
confession, eyewitness, character
eyewitness, character, guilty
Why Exclude Coerced Confessions?
Their use might offend co__ standards of fa__ play and de__.
Exclusion might help reduce police bru__ and other undue pre__ in interrogations
They are un__…
community, fair, decency
brutality, pressures
Coerced Confessions: the Central Park J__.
-4/19/89: 28 year old Trisha Meili was violently assaulted and raped.
5 youths were arrested, all were interrogated, _ of the 5 signed confessions.
Although within weeks they all recanted their confessions citing coercion, they were co__.
In 2002, a convicted rapist , admitted to the attack and DNA evidence was obtained. He was the s__ attacker.
In Dec. 2002, their convictions were all vacated
Three Types of False Confessions:
Vo__ – to pr__ others or for no__
Coerced-co__ – gives in to escape ba__ situation, co__ with authorities
Coerced-in__ – internalization can lead in__ suspects to believe they are actually gu__(inadvertent hy__?)
voluntary, protect, notoriety
compliant, bad, comply
internalized, innocent, guilty
Contributing Causes of Wrongful Convictions:
1) Ey__ misidentification
2) Unvalidated/Improper for__
3) False con__/ad__
4) Inf__/Sni__
Jurors and Confession Evidence:
Saul Kassin: people have little in__ access about how they are inf__ by confessions.
Especially true when police use “p__ pressures” (promises of le__)
- Jurors vote guilty even when they know the confession is in__
- Offers of le__ seem like a weak ind__ to confess (compared to pu__)
introspective, influenced
positive, leniency
leniency, inducement, punishment
Inadmissible Confessions:
Can jurors disregard them?
Kassin & Sukel (1997)
Two confession conditions: low or high pressure tactics
½ of Ss heard a confession that was al__
½ of Ss heard same confession, but later ruled in__ (“jury will dis__”)
Conviction rates were the __ (47%) regardless of ad__
Jurors said the co__ didn’t influence their verdicts (Judge’s instructions about coercion don’t help).
-Arguments about the un__ of the interrogation don’t work either even though ss say they’re influenced by the arguments.
inadmissible, disregard
same, admissibility
Why can’t jurors take coercion into consideration?
Fu__ At__ Error:
- Occurs au__ when evaluating ot__’ behavior
- We believe behavior is due to st__, int__ factors in the person (dis__ factors)
- We do not give enough importance to the sit__ pressures on the be__ (situational factors)
fundamental attribution
automatically, others
stable, internal, dispositional
situational, behavior
Videotaping Interrogations:
Conducted 12 studies on how mock jurors evaluate confessions on videotape
Manipulates camera focus: on the s__ only, or on both s__ and in__
Results: confessions seem more vo__, suspects judged more gu__ when the focus is on th__.
The camera focus actually reinforces the fu__ at__ error, it doesn’t re__ it!
suspect, suspect, interrogator
voluntary, guilty, them
fundamental attribution, remove
Much of what is considered “good” f\_\_ evidence has not been validated sc\_\_: Bl\_\_ Fi\_\_ Ba\_\_ Fi\_\_?
forensic, scientifically