Psychology Ch. 9 Flashcards
The view that adolescence is a turbulent time charged with conflict and mood swings
The most important marker of adolescence, but will end far before adolescents does
A period of rapid physical maturation involving hormonal and bodily changes that occur primarily during early adolescence
The most noticeable changes among adolescence during puberty is..
Sexual maturation
Increase in height
Increase in weight
Puberty can be thought of as ______, while adolescence can be thought of as ______
Puberty: physiological
Adolescence: emotional & cognitive
To be covered with hair
The large period when gradual change occurs starts at about age..
The large period when gradual change occurs will end at about age..
In females, the first menstruation is referred to as..
Menarche occurs at about age..
12 1/2
In males, the first ejaculation is referred to as..
Semenarche occurs at about age..
This physiological development gives adolescence the ability to reproduce..
During early adolescence, girls tend to be ______ & _____ but boys eventually catch up or surpass
Girls tend to be taller and out-weigh boys
Boys tend to catch up in height and weight by about age..
The growth spurt occurs approximately ___ years sooner for girls than boys
During the growth spurt, girls increase by _____ inches a year
3 1/2
During the growth spurt, boys increase by _____ inches a year
The term used for the very early onset and rapid progression of puberty
Precocious puberty
Powerful chemical substances secreted by the endocrine glands and carried through the body by the blood stream
The endocrine systems role in puberty involves..
Pituitary glands
The structure in the brain that monitors eating and sex
An important endocrine gland that controls growth and regulates other glands like the gonads
Pituitary glands
The testes in males
The ovaries in females
Particularly important in giving rise to pubertal changes
Puberty starts with the _______ glands
Adrenal glands
The adrenal glands sit..
On top of your kidneys
The sex hormone in the adrenal glands that takes part in body hair and oil secretion
Adrenal androgen (adrenaline)
In the tanner stages, puberty takes place during stages..
It takes girls _____ years to go through the stages
It takes boys ____ years to go through the stages
It is important to know that precocious puberty is NOT..
Just early puberty
Precocious puberty would be before the age of ___ in girls and ____ in boys
Girls: before 8
Boys: before 9
Because Dr.’s don’t want puberty to start too early, they will..
Put a break on it (or stop the puberty) and then release it at an appropriate time
While opinions on early puberty for boys are mixed, early puberty for girls is bad for these reasons..
Depression Anxiety Low self esteem Suicidal HPV Eating disorder Academic difficulties Delinquency Teen pregnancy Obesity