Psychology 8 Flashcards
Most popular personality test?
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
extraversion/introversion, sensing/intuition, feeling/thinking
socially developed, present at birth. biological drives that energize us. hunger, sex, thirst. devil on shoulder
pleasure principle
id’s boundless drive for immediate gratification. tension builds until satisfied
socially developed, motivates us to behave in ways that are moral ideal or perfect
mediates conflict between wants of id and shoulds of superego
reality principle
goal is to reduce tension but at an appropriate time and place
person who seeks stimulation and is sociable and impulsive
kind of person who avoids stimulation and is lowkey and cautious
locus of control
expectancy that one’s reinforcements are generally controlled by internal or external factors
tendency to get stuck at a immature stage of psychosexual stages
oral fixation
if weaned off too early or late as a baby you might bite your nails chew gum or smoke
defense mechanism
unconscious methods of minimizing anxiety by denying or distorting reality
self actualization
a drive to behave in ways that are consistent with one’s conscious identity
self efficacy
belief that you are capable of performing the behaviors required to produce a desired outcome. believing that you can achieve goals.
unconditional positive regard
situation where the love and acceptance someone gives if unconditional no matter what someone does no judgement or criticism