psychology Flashcards
social facilitation
when we perform better around others for simple tasks
Arousal is needed to perform best. There is a bell curve to this. Too much arousal and you can perform worse.
lose self identity (anonymity) Will be more extreme than if by yourself
Social Loafing
People perform worse in group settings
Bystander effect
As number of people increases, less likely of intervention. Group size correlates with abilitity to help. “Someone else will do it”
Socialization (See Slide)

Societal Norms (Considered acceptable behavior by a culture) (Shaking hands) (culture specific)
Violator of norms, laws, or rules of society
Aligning Behavior to social norms
Being forced by an authority figure to do something
A GROUP taking the cultures norms of another GROUP
A request by an authority figure is complied with
Ascribed Status
Born with it
Fits inside our status. How are supposed to act because of a status.
Primary group
people you are close with
secondary group
shorter term than primary group. Temporary bond, acquaintences.
outside oneself
motivation comes from within oneself
Instinct Theory
Innate desires based on stimuli (instinct)
Arousal Theory
Ideal state of awareness (awake and reacting) (our motivation is to be this way) (optimal performance)
(Yerkes Dodson)
Drive reduction Theory
Being uncomfortable makes us motivated to not be uncomfortable
Need Based Theory
We have needs we WANT to satisfy (Maslow)
Maslow: Bottom or 1st need
Physiological (breathing, food, water, excretion, sleep, homeostasis, sex)
Maslow: 2nd needs
Safety (Security of self, family and resources) (shelter)
Maslow 3rd needs
Love/Belonging (friendship, family, sexual intimacy)
Maslow 4th Needs
Esteem (self-esteem, confidence, achievement, respect)
Maslow 5th (top) needs
Self-Actualization (morality, creativity, problem solving, acceptance of facts, etc)
stimulus->physio response->emotional response
stimulus->physio response and emotion together
stimulus->physio response->cognitive response->emotion
Theories of Arousal (See Slide)

Decrease in response to stimuli after repeated exposure
recovery of a response due to new, but similiar stimuli
Observational Learning
Learning by watching
Associated Learning
Classical Learning
Create associations between things innately
Conditioned stimulus presented without unconditioned stimulus enough times (bell rings, but no food)
associating similiar to conditioned stimulus makes conditioned response
Encoding (Automatic Processing)
Passively gaining information
Info gained without effort
Controlled Processing
Taking notes, actively trying to learn something, flashcards, etc
Relating want-to-know info to other known info
(Most powerful learning, Visual is the worst, audio is 2nd best)
Implicit Memory
Conditioned responses. Stuff we have learned, but dont think about (raising a fork to eat) (scratching an itch) (stuff we dont need to think about actively)
Explicit Memory
Memories that require conscious recall
Recall Question
Fill in the blank
Recognition Question
Mulitple Choice