psychological explanations to schizophrenia Flashcards
2 types of explanations of schizophrenia
- Family dysfunction
- Cognitive explanations
What is family dysfunction made up of
- Double bind theory
- Expressed emotion
What is cognitive explanations made up of
Cognitive explanations and delusions
Cognitive explanations of hallucinations
What the definition of a cognitive explanation
abnormalities in cognitive function are a key component of schizophrenia
Definition of dysfunctional thought processing
Cognitive habits or beliefs that cause the individual to evaluate info inappropriately
Definition of family dysfunction
problems within a family that contribute to relapse rates in recovering schizophrenics
In 1956 what did Gregory Bateson el al suggest
Children who frequently receive contradictory messages from parents are more likely to develop schizophrenia
What is an example of Gregory Bateson’s theory
mother tells son she loves him and turns her head away in disgust, the child receives conflicting messages
Expressed emotion variable associated with schizophrenia
Is negative emotional climate or high degree of expressed emotions
What can a family do to help with schizophrenia
be supportive and emotionally undemanding
How does being supportive and emotionally undemanding help the patient with schizophrenia
reduce there dependence on antipsychotic medication reducing likelihood of relapse
What are cognitive explanations of delusions
Egocentric bias leads person to relate irrelevant events to themselves and arrive at false conclusions
What are cognitive explanations of hallucinations
hypervigilance leads to greater expectation for stimuli
(Evaluation) family relationships
adoptive family’s are more likely to trigger schizophrenia in children with genetic vulnerability
(Evaluation) double bind theory
schizophrenics reported higher recall of double bind statements than non-schizophrenics, although other studies less conclusive
(Evaluation) individual differences in vulnerability to EE
not all schizophrenics respond negatively to high EE
(Evaluation) supporting evidence for the cognitive model of schizophrenia
Sarin and Wallin found evidence that positive symptoms arise from faulty processing
(Evaluation) support from the success of cognitive therapies
CBT more effective at reducing symptom severity and antipsychotics
(Evaluation) An integrated model of schizophrenia
Early vulnerabilities sensitive dopamine system more dopamine released, biased processing results in paranoia/hallucinations