biological explanations to schizophrenia Flashcards
What does biological explanations not deny the importance of
psychological factors that play in the onset of this disorder
What is the diathesis stress relationship at work with
biological predisposition for schizophrenia
what causes you to develop biological predisposition for schizophrenia
significant psychological stressors are present
What are the different types of biological explanations of schizophrenia
Diathesis stress model
genetic factors
combination of genes
Can schizophrenia be hereditary or not
Yes it can
Who’s more likely to develop schizophrenia an individual who’s family has the disorder or the one who doesn’t
The individual who’s family has schizophrenia
Is there a specific gene that causes schizophrenia
No it’s more likely to be multiple which causes vulnerability to schizophrenia
If you have the schizophrenic gene does that mean you’ll get schizophrenia
not necessarily
What did Gottesman and Shields 1991 find
individuals who have schizophrenic relatives are effected more often then non-biological relatives
What increases the risk of genetic schizophrenia
Being related genetically
What was Gottesman and shields concordance rates when studying children with 2 schizophrenic parents
What was Gottesman and shields concordance rates when studying children with 1 schizophrenic parent
13% and siblings
What was Gottesman and shields concordance rates when studying children with a sibling with schizophrenia
Which twins are genetically Mz or DZ
What does concordance rate mean
the. probability of one twin having the disorder if the other already has it expressed as a percentage
What did Joseph calculate in 2004
pooled data for schizophrenia twin studies shows a concordance rate of 40.4 Mz twins and 7.4 for Dz twins
Do blind studies tend to have a higher or lower concordance rate for MZ twins
Do the blind studies have a higher rate of schizophrenia for Mz twins and DZ twins
Mz twins still have a higher rate
What type of individuals are used in adoption studies
genetically related individuals who’ve been reared apart
Who carried out the most methodology study
Tienari et al 2000 in Finland
how many adoptees were used in Tienari’s study
164 with schizophrenic mothers
how many of the 164 adoptees had schizophrenia
How many control adoptees did Tienari use
How many control adoptiees had schizophrenia
What were Tienari’s finidngs
genetic liability to schizophrenia had been decisively confirmed
What are the strengths of biological explanations
genetic factors make some people much more vulnerable than others
What are the weaknesses of biological factors
- adoptees may be selectively placed with families
- MZ twins treated more similarly than DZ twins
- explained by family backgrounds and experiences rather than genetics