psychological disorders Flashcards
patterns of thinking and behaving that are maladaptive, disruptive or uncomfortable for the affected person or for others
biopsychosocial approach
viewing mental disorders as resulting from a combination of biological, psychological and sociacultural factors
psychological model
a view in which mental disorder is seen as aristing from psychological processes
sociocultural perspective
explaining mental disorders in ways that emphasize the role of factors such as gender and age, physical situations, cultural values and expectations and historical era
sociocultural factors
characteristics or conditions that can influence the appearance and form of maladaptive behavior
diathesis-stress model
the notion that psychological disorders arise when a predisposition for a disorder combines with sufficient amounts of stress to trigger symptoms
anxiety disorder
conditions in which intense feelings of fear and dread are long-standing or disruptive
an anxiety disorder that involves strong, irrational fear of an object or situation that does not objectively justify such a reaction
specific phobias
phobias that involve fear and avoidance of specific stimuli and situations such as heights, blood, and certain animals
social anxiety disorder
strong, irrational fears related to social situations
a strong fear of being alone or away from the safety of home
generalized anxiety disorder
a condition that involves long-lasting anxiety that is not focused on any particular object or situation
panic disorder
anxiety in the form of sudden, severe panic attacks that appear without obvious cause
obsessive- compulsive disorder
a disorderr in which a person becomes obsessed with certain thoughts or feels a compulsion to do certain things
persistent, upsetting, and unwanted thoughts that interfere with daily life and may lead to compulsions
repetitive behaviors that interfere with daily functioning but are perfomed in an effort to prevent dangers or events associated with obsessions
body dysmorphic disorder
an obsessive-compulsive disorder characterized by intense distress over imagined abnormalities of the skin, hair, face, or other areas of the body
somatic symptom disorders
psychological problems in which a person shows the symptoms of a physical disorder for which there is no psychical cause
illness anxiety disorder
a strong, unjustified fear of physical illness
conversion disorder
a somatic symptom disorder in which a person appears to be blind, dear, paralyzed, or insensitive to pain
dissociative disorders
conditions involving sudden and usually temporary disruptions in a person’s memory, consciousness, or identity
dissociative amnesia
a psychological disorder marked by a sudden loss of memory for one’s own name, occupation, or other identifying information
dissociative identitiy disorder
a dissosiative disorder in which a person appears to have more than one identity, each of which behaves in a diffrent way
depressive disorders
conditions in which a person experiences extremes of moods for long periods, shifts from one extreme mood to another, and experiences moods that are inconsistent with events
major depressive disorder
a condition in which a person feels sad and hopeless for weeks or months, often losing interest in all activities and taking pleasure in nothing
false beliefs, such as those experienced by people suffering from schizophrenia or severe depression
persistent depressive disorder
a pattern of depression in which the person shows the sad mood, lack of interest, and loss of pleasure associated with major depressive disorder but to a lesser degree and for a longer period
bipolar disorder
conditions in which a person alternates between the two emotional extremes of depression and mania
an elated, active emotional state
cyclothymic disorder
a bipolar disorder characterized by an alternating pattern of mood swings that is less extreme than that of biopolar 1 of 2 disorder
a pattern of severely disturbed thinking, emotion, perception, and behavior that constitutes one of the most serious and disabling of all mental disorders
false of distorted perceptions of objects or events
personality disorders
longstanding, inflexible ways of behaving that become styles of life that create problems for the person affected and/or others
antisocial personality disorder
a long-term, persistent pattern of impulsive, selfish, unscrupulous, even criminal behavior
substance-related disorders
problems involving the use of psycho-active drugs for months or years in ways that harm the user or others
development of a physical need for a psychoactive drug
a pattern of drinking that may lead to addiction and that almost always causes severe social, physical, and other problems