Psychologial Tests Lecture Flashcards
What theory is the Stanford Binet intelligence Scale based on?
Cattell-Horn-Carroll (CHC) model of intelligence
What are the 5 factors used in the Stanford Binet Intelligence Scale?
Fluid Reasoning
Crystallized intelligence
Working memory
Quantitative reasoning
Visual spacial reasoning
How many participants and age used in Standford Binet intelligence Scale for Standardization?
4800 (Very large)
age 2 to 85 years (Young to old)
What is the internal consistency for reliability for Stanford Binet intelligence Scale?
.97 to .98
What is the interator reliability for Stanford Binet intelligence Scale?
The fact that the Stanford Binet intelligence Scale correlates with other IQ tests is a representation of what?
Validity - criterion/convergent validity
What is the IQ of someone that is gifted?
What is the IQ of someone that is impaired?
Factor analysis of the Standford Binet IQ scale suggests that at most ages the test has 5 factors just as the theory predicts. This represents evidence of?
Construct Validity/Internal structure
What do the 10 core tests in the Stanford Binet Intelligence Scale combine to give as an overall score?
Spearman’s g
What is the age for the WPPSI-IV?
3 to 7 years
What is the age for the WISC-V?
6 - 16 years
What is the age for the WAIS-IV?
How long does the WASI-II take?
15 and 30 minute versions
The 10 core subtests are arranged into what 4 groups for the WISC-V?
Verbal comprehension
Perceptual reasoning
Working memory
Processing speed
The four groups of tests used in the WISC-V IQ test are?
Verbal comprehension
Perceptual reasoning
Working memory
Processing speed
How long does the WISC-V take to administer?
45 to 65 minutes
How many participants and age used in WISC-V for Standardization?
6 to 16 years
What is the test retest reliability for the WISC-V?
.71 to .90 1 month
What is the iterator reliability for the WISC-V?
.98 to .99
What is the internal consistency for the WISC-V?
.88 to .93
What is found through inspecting correlations with other IQ and achievement tests for the WISC-V?
Convergent/discriminant validity
What is factor analysis confirming 4 groups evidence of in the WISC-V?
Construct validity
Which of the following has been claimed for the Raven’s Progressive Matrices test?
It allows the intelligence of people who speak difference languages to be compared.
True or False
- In principle RPM allow the intellectual comparison of people who speak different languages.
- RPM requires a one on one testing session.
- True
2. False
What is the RPM and what age is it for?
Non verbal group ability test
Is language needed for RPM?
What is the reliability coefficient for RPM?
What is the internal reliability for RPM?
What is the test retest reliability for RPM?
.71 to .86
What does the RPM highly correlate with?
Aptitude tests
What does the RPM not highly correlate with?
Academic Achievement
The Peabody Test can be used with what type of people?
People with significant motor impairment
True or False
- The Neale involves children being told a word and pointing to a picture.
- The Neale includes scores based on accuracy and speed.
- False
2. True
What age is the Peabody used for?
2 to adult
What is the alternate forms reliability for Peabody?
.87 to .93
What is the Internal consistency for Peabody?
.96 to .97
What is the test retest reliability for Peabody?
.92 to .96
All words from the Peabody are in the dictionary represents what?
Content validity
Scores increasing with age as predicted in the Peabody is a representation of what?
Empirical validity
The Peabody correlating with vocab tests is a representation of what?
Convergent validity
What does the Neale measure and in what age group?
Oral reading comprehension from age 6 to 12 years
What three things does the Neale give measures on?
Reading accuracy
Reading rate
True or False.
- The 16PF is an example of a comprehensive personality measure designed for normal populations.
- The 16PF was created using the lexical approach.
- True
2. True
How was the 16PF developed?
Identified 18000 words in the dictionary for personality traits.
Factor analysis to 36, but settled on 16.
What are other names for the NEO-PI-3?
Five Factor Model or Big Five
What are the 5 factors in the NEO-PI-3?
What does the NEO correlate with?
Personality factors
Other personality tests
Social outcomes
What does Conscientiousness correlate with?
GPA of uni students beyond exam marks
How many items in the NEO-PI-3 and how long does it take?
240 items
30-40 minutes
According to Eysenck’s personality theory what is the underlying basis for individual differences in neuroticism?
Differences in activation threshold in the limbic system.
The theoretical basis of Eysenck’s personality theory is at the what level?
What did Eysenck argue to be the critical component underlying individual differences in extraversion/introversion?
Differences in cortical arousal
What is the EPI based on?
Factory analysis and theoretical approach
EPI is a biological approach based on 3 factors?
- Psychoticism
- Anti social
- Tendencies
What is the description of someone that scores high on the MMPI scale known as Psycasthenia?
Compulsive obsessive disorder
What is a major criticism of the MMPI-2?
The MMPI-2 scales are related to demographic variables as well as personality dimensions
The MMPI-2 is a XXXX personality test designed to diagnose XXXX groups?
Who mainly used the MMPI-2?
What 3 things was the MMPI-2 used for?
- Differentiating between organic and psychiatric disorders
- identifying personality changes after a head injury
- Assess validity of patients self report (lie scales)
What was used to develop the MMPI-2?
Criterion keys/empirical criterion keys ie item analysis based on control group and psychiatric in patients
What does the Item Discrimination Index measure?
What is wanted in the Item Discrimination Index?
High number and sign does not matter
What is the formula for the Item Discrimination Index?
d=U/nu - L/nL
U= number of people in upper group that rated item true
nU=Number of people in upper group
L= number of people in lower group that rated item true
nL=number of people in the lower group
What are the t score mean and SD for MMPI-2?
M=50 sd=10
Participants 2600
How many items on MMPI-2?
567 true false items
How many scales are there in MMPI-2?
10 Hypochondria Depression Hysteria Psychopathic deviate Masculinity/Femininity Paranoia Psychasthenia (obsessive compulsive disorder) Schizophrenia Hypomania (Manic depressive disorder) Social introversion
What is the test retest reliability and internal consistency for MMPI-2?
.58 to .92
The MMPI-2 having over 10000 studies mapping onto specific behaviours such as PTSD, Alcoholism and eating disorders is an example of what?
Construct validity
Responses of spouses mapping onto self report and treating professional with patients in the MMPI-2 is an example of?
Criterion validity
What are the four weaknesses of the MMPI-2?
- Items overlap
- Response styles affects score (need more reverse scores)
- Demographic variables correlate with scales
- Clinical samples are not nationally representative
What are the 7 lie scale measures?
- Missing responses or double marked
- L Scale (lie)
- K (correlation) scale
- F (infrequency) scale
- TRIN (True response inconsistency)
- VRIN (Variable response inconsistency)
- FB (Back F)
What is the L Scale in the MMPI-2 lie scale?
Negative statements that apply to most people
I do not always tell the truth
What is the F Scale in the MMPI-2 lie scale?
Eccentric statements with low endorsement rates
It would be better if all laws were thrown away
What is the K Scale in the MMPI-2 lie scale?
Willing to admit deviancy/defensiveness - embarrassing but normal statements
I certainly feel useless at times
What is the TRIN in the MMPI-2 lie scale?
Number of true responses to items that should be false
What is the VRIN in the MMPI-2 lie scale?
Another measure of response consistency across items
What is the FB in the MMPI-2 lie scale?
Are later responses similiar to earlier responses