psychodynamic approaches to mental health problems Flashcards
what is psychological formulation
- co-constructing hypothesis - origins of person’s difficulties
- has diagnostic label but doesn’t impact treatment
- aims to identify processes that led to and maintain problems faced by the individual
who is Anna O or Bertha Pappenheim
- Freud worked with whilst under hypnosis
- physical symptoms - weakness, paralysis
- under hypnosis spoke on past traumas and symptoms were cured
- behaviour influenced by unconscious
- talking therapy
what are Freud’s levels of consciousness
- conscious
- preconscious
- unconscious
what is the tripartite model
- id, ego and superego
what did helmoltz propose
- conservation of energy - not created or destroyed - transferred to one thing to another
what did brucke propose
all living things are energy systems
how did Freud discuss psychic energy and the instincts
- psychic energy
- personality - energy system - transformations and transference of psychic energy from one part to another shape personality
- instincts are the source of energy in behaviour
what is eros
life instinct
- preservation of self and species, sexual drive
what is thanatos
death instinct
- self destruction, aggressive drive
what is the id
- unconscious
- present from birth
- pleasure principle
- selfish
- if needs delayed id used primary process thinking
what is the ego
- conscious and preconscious
- develops around 6 months
- reality principle
- mediator between id and reality
- secondary process thinking
what is the superego
- conscious, preconscious and unconscious
- social and moral standards
- morality principle
- what’s right and what’s wrong
- made up of conscience and ego ideal
- inhibits id impulses
- can become too harsh or restrictive
what is the oral stage
what is the anal stage
retention/elimination of faeces
what is the phallic stage
what is the latency stage
sexual inhibitions
what is the genital stage
development of adult sexuality
when are the oedipus and electra complex
phallic stage
what is the oedipus complex
- mother as love object
- identification
what fixations are in the oral stage
dependence, depression, guilt, mistrust
what are anal fixations
tidiness, obsessive behaviours, stubbornness
what are phallic fixations
- antisocial personality, difficulties in romantic relationships, aggression
what are latency fixations
problems with self control
what are genital fixations
identity diffusion
what are neuroses
- originate in childhood, symptoms are triggered by stress or crisis
what is healthy development according to Freud
- passing through stages successfully
- development of successful ego and superego
- adequate defence mechanism
what is neurotic development according to Freud
- frustration of sexual impulses or inhibition instincts by ego - repression
- transforming frustrated sexual impulses into neurotic symptoms
- inadequate defence mechanisms
how does OCD develop according to Freud
- fear id impulses - defence mechanisms
- battle between opposing forces
- fixation at anal stage
how does depression develop according to Freud
- similar to grieving - regression to oral stage
- introjection of negative feelings
what are the goals of Freud’s therapy
- make unconscious conscious again
- strengthen ego
- make superego more humane
what client’s did Freud not work
- people with psychosis
- not above age 50
- reasonable degree of education
how did Freud’s sessions run
- 4 sessions a week - 45 minutes each
what is the free association technique
- allow mind to wonder freely and report everything even if traumatic
- unconscious material becomes conscious
what is resistance
- anything that works against the therapy
- not adhering to the fundamental rule
- ego protects itself from repressed id
what is the transference technique
- clients perceive analysts as reincarnations of key figures in life
- transfer onto them emotions and feelings associated with past relationship
- learn about more important relationships
what is the interpretation technique
- constructions or explanations
- what has happened to clients
- repressed unconscious material becomes conscious
- understand id impulses
what did Freud say dreams were
- the royal road to a knowledge of the unconscious mind
- function of dreams is wish fulfilment
- disguised hallucinatory fulfilments of prepressed sexual infantile wishes
- latent vs manifest content
- dream work - complex mental process of disguise involving condensation, displacement and symbolism
what was the wolf man case study
- Freud considered him to be ‘cured’
- presented with dramatic symptoms
- had a dream the night before 4th birthday
- dreams give insight into repressed wishes
what are the aspects of dream analysis
- reversals
- condensation
- symbolism
what did Carl Jung say was wrong about Freud’s approach
- that human motivation is exclusively sexual
- that the unconscious mind is entirely personal and peculiar to an individual
what are the levels of consciousness according to jung
- conscious
- personal unconscious
- collective unconscious
what is the collective consciousness
- images, potentialities, predispositions that have been inherited from ancestors
- never been conscious
- a blueprint for life
- made up of archetypes
what are jung’s archetypes
- persona - public personality
- anima - feminine side in males
- animus- masculine side in females
- shadow - dark side of personality
- self - personality as a whole
how did jung define psychic energy
- libido and other motivating forces
how does jung define compensation
- balance or adjust energy distributed through the psyche
how does jung define transcendent function
- synthesising process which can remove some of the separation between conscious and unconscious
what is the individuation of the self
- person becomes differentiated as a separate psychological individual, distinct from collective psychology
- integration of unconscious and conscious into whole self
what are the psychological attitude types according to jung
- extraversion
- introversion
what are the 4 function types according to jung
- thinking and feeling
- sensation and intuition
what is hysteria according to jung
- extreme extraversion
- libido withdrawn from inner world
- over concern with influence in social relationships
what is schizophrenia according to Jung
- extreme introversion
- libido withdrawn from reality
- world of fantasy and archetypes
what are jung’s views on neuroses
- imbalance between conscious and unconscious
- symptoms are a form of adaption created as part of individuation
what are the goals of jung’s therapy
- attain specific goals, deal with complexes, strengthen consciousness
- understand own inner being and meaning in life
how does jung’s therapy run
- individual
- eye to eye
- 2-3 sessions a week
- break after 10 weeks
- not a cure just support
what are the stages of jung’s therapy
1 - confession - any secrets
2 - elucidation - interprets
3 - education - new and adaptive habits
4 - transformation - individuation, acceptance of self
what is the analysis of transference technique
- understand projections that take place from client to therapist
what is the active imagination technique
- get in touch with unconscious material
- may use dreams to start
what are jung’s stages of dream analysis
- amplification
- interpretation
- assimilation
what is amplification in dream analysis
- elaboration and clarification of dream images to establish context
- direct association
what is interpretation in dream analysis
- keep record of dreams and interpretations - dream series
what is assimilation in dream analysis
- client and therapist make conscious sense of dreams
- clients assent of therapists interpretation
according to eysenck how many people were cured from psychotherapy
according to eysenck how many people were not cured from psychotherapy
how can we measure how effective psychotherapy is
- randomised controlled trials
what did smith and glass find about psychotherapy
average person receiving treatment is better off than 75% untreated