Psychodynamic Approach Flashcards
Assumptions about the psychodynamic approach
States that events in our early childhood have a great influence on our adult lives, shaping our personality. Events that occur in childhood can remain in the unconscious and cause problems as adults
Stresses the importance of relationships
That our mind is split into 3 distinct parts which often work against each other (tripartite Personality)
Behaviour is influenced by different levels of consciousness
What is the part of the mind we know about called?
The conscious mind (tip of the iceberg)
What is most of our mind made up of?
The Unconscience mind
What does the unconscious mind contain?
Threatening and disturbing memories that have been repressed, or locked away and forgotten.
The conscious mind
small amount of mental activity we know about
The preconscious mind
Things we could be aware of if we wanted to or tried
The unconscious mind
Things we are unaware of and contains biological instincts, drives an desires
The id
Primitive part of the mind. It is present in new born infants and consists of basic biological impulses such as hunger and thirst. It works on the pleasure principle and part of the unconscious mind.
The ego
Develops as the child grows. It aims to gratify the Ids impulses by considering the environment it is in. It works on the reality principle and it’s part of the conscious mind.
The superego
Develops last. It judges whether actions are right or wrong. It is an internalised representation of the values and morals of society. Violating the superegos standards or even the impulse to do so causes anxiety. It works on the morality principle and is part of the conscious mind.
What are the 3 defence mechanisms?
Forcing a distressed memory out of the conscious mind.
Refusing to acknowledge some aspect of reality
Transferring feelings from the true source of distressing emotions onto a substitute target
What are the psychosexual stages?
Describe Oedipus complex?
Freud used a Greek myth to explain his ideas about the relationship between boys and their parents during the phallic stage. Freud concluded that boys has unconscious sexual feelings for their mother. This leads to feeling of guilt and fear of the father, whose place the boy wanted to take. The fear took the form of castration anxiety. To resolve this conflict the boy identifies with and becomes his father.
Describe the Electra Complex
Girls realise that they don’t have a penis and develop penis envy. They know their father has a penis so they develop sexual feelings towards him. They start to see their mother and a rival and the girl blames the mother for her own lack of penis believing that her mother castrated her. Girls realise that they can posses their father by identifying with their mother. The girl replaces her penis envy with a desire for a baby.
What age is the oral stage?
0-1 years
What age is the anal stage ?
1-3 years
What age is the phallic stage?
3-5 years