Psychodynamic Flashcards
Adler’s Teleological Approach
behavior is motivated by future goals versus past events
Psychic Determinism
all behaviors are meaningful and serve some psychological function
Freud therapy technique and targets
Analysis targets free association, dreams, resistance, transference
Psychodynamic assumptions
Behavior is motivated by unconscious
early development is important
universal principals explain behavior and personally
insight is key component
threatening impulse attributed to another person or external source
Freud view of depression
object loss, anger toward object turned inward
Freud view of phobia
displacement of anxiety onto object event
Freud view of mania
defense against libidinal or aggressive urges that threaten ego
reaction formation
avoiding anxiety-provoking impulse by expressing its opposite
id’s drives and needs excluded from conscious awareness
defense mechanisms
unconscious, deny/distorts reality
Freud re: anxiety
alert ego to threat
life and death instincts, pleasure principle
reality principle, defers gratification, rational
internalization of society’s values and standards
psychodynamic therapies
Freud, Adler individual psychology, Jung’s analytical, object relations
Adler’s individual psychology key concepts
inferiority feelings, striving for superiority, style of life, social interest
Style of life
way a person chooses to compensate for inferiority and achieve superiority
unifies various aspects of personality
established by 4-5 years old
healthy reflects optimism, confidence, concern about others
mistaken reflects self-centered, competitive, striving for power
Adler pampered child
do not develop social feelings
Adler neglected child
need for revenge
Adler view of maladaptive behavior
mistaken style of life
compensate feeling of inferiority by preoccupation with power and lack of social interest