PSYCH Exam #4 Flashcards
What is conditioning
Learning, the process of training or accustoming a person or animal to behave in a certain way or to accept certain circumstances.
What are the 3 types of conditioning
Classical Conditioning, Operant Conditioning, and observational learning
How did Pavlov discover and investigate classical conditioning??
used dogs to study the production of saliva through the bell
- associated the natural response of food to the bell
-creating a CS
Why is classical conditioning sometimes referred to associative learning?
it involves forming associations between different stimuli and behaviors. This type of learning is based on the principle that certain responses can be conditioned (or learned) when a neutral stimulus is consistently paired with another stimulus that naturally and automatically elicits a response.
Acquisition Phase (& pavlovian example)
repeating paring of pairings until subject forms a mental association
bell + food= salivate… continued pairing of bell to food causes conditioned stim and CR
dentify; the neutral stimulus, unconditioned stimulus, unconditioned response, conditioned stimulus and
conditioned response.
neutral stimulus: has no reflexive effect/response
unconditioned stimulus/response: naturally occurring stimulus that elicits an automatic, reflexive response
conditioned stimulus and
conditioned response: conditioned stimulus alone can elicit the response that previously required the unconditioned stimulus
Interstim Interval
Period of time between stim. Effects how well and quickly an association is learned
stimulus discrimination
Responding differently to similar but different stims. (occurs when one stim elicits the CR but another similar stim does not)
Ex. Different models of car
Stim Generalization
responding the same way to similar but different stimuli (when a new stim that is similar to the CS but another elicits the same CR)
Ex. A dog is conditioned to drool when it hears a clicking noise. The dog may also drool when it hears similar sounds, like tapping and beeping noises
Higher Order Conditioning
Occurs when an established CS functions as UCS in a new conditioning trial
Ex. Painful injection (UCS) made baby cry (UCR). soon develops conditioned response in which the sight of a doctors jacket (CS) triggered crying (CR)
gradual weakening and disappearance of conditioned behavior
ex. ticking was consistently presented without food the response would gradually disapear
spontaneuos recovery
reappearance of previously extinguished CR after a period of time without exposure to the CS
Shaping is a behavioral modification technique that involves reinforcing behaviors that are closer to a desired outcome. It’s a form of operant conditioning.
ex.when a baby or a toddler learns to walk. They are reinforced for crawling, then standing, then taking one step, then taking a few steps, and finally for walking
Relationship between pavlov and watson
Watson took Pavlov’s theories about animals and applied them to humans, arguing that the principles of classical conditioning could explain not just simple behaviors (like salivation in dogs) but complex human behaviors and emotional reactions.
Proposed Classical involves learinng relationships between events. 20 tones followed by 20 shocks.