Psych 209: Lectures For Exam 1 Flashcards
Exam 1
ii. Believing something because it is what we have long believed/always believed
Resistant to change
Relying on other people as our source of knowledge
Passing down knowledge between generations
Tend to rely on “experts”
Issue of credibility
What do we judge their expertise to be?
Who do we believe when experts have different opinions
The use of logic and rational (intellectually sound) argument to reach a conclusion about how things “must be”
Knowledge that is gained through senses, observation, and experience
Key component in science
Common Sense
A mixture of tenacity, authority, reason, and empiricism
Involves “after-the-fact” understanding
Anything can be explained if you’re given an answer/looking into the past
Systematic Empiricism
Characteristics of Science
- Science involves assumptions
- Science is empirical
- Science focuses on testable questions
- Scientists strive for accurate, reliable, and valid measurements
- Science requires clear definitions
- Science involves public reporting
- Scientific knowledge is tentative, not absolute
- Science is “self-correcting”
- Science has limitations
the ability to prove a hypothesis wrong
Specify exactly what you’re going to measure and how you intend to measure it
Conceptual Definitions
Operational Definitions
defines concepts in terms of the procedures used to measure it (or manipulate it)
The Research Process
- Identify the question/problem (initial observation)
- Gather background information (literature search) -> form a hypothesis
- Conduct research
- Analyze data, draw conclusions, and report the findings
- Build a body of knowledge about a particular topic
Basic Research
Primary goal: understand basic aspects of some phenomenon
Applied Research
Primary goal: to solve/gather information about some practical problem
an integrated set of concepts/principles
defines two or more concepts, explains how they are related and why they are related
goal: to increase our understanding of some phenomenon
informally, a “scientific hunch”
A statement about relationship between two variables or about the expected outcome
Hypothesis can be translated into an “if…then” statement
Characteristics of a Good Theory
- has to be consistent with known facts
- logically consistent and clear
- generates testable hypotheses
- parsimonious
- a good (successful) theory generates research
Descriptive Research
goal is to describe events and relations between variables as they occur naturally
Correlation Reserach
- researcher measures X
- researcher measures Y
- examines whether there is a statistical association between X and Y
Positive Correlation
As scores on X go up, scores on Y go up
Negative Correlatoin
As scores on X go up, scores on Y go down